Releases: sshtools/j2ssh-maverick
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.5
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.5 - May 6, 2016
Bug Fixes
o Fixed issue with EC keys when Bouncycastle is not on the classpath.
o Removed ecdh-sha2-nistp521 temporarily as it's failing.
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.4
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.4 - Apr 1, 2016
o Added ECDSA public key implementations ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384. ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
o Added EC Diffie Hellman key exchange implementations ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521
Bug Fixes
o Deprecated CBC ciphers caused private key encryption/decryption to fail due to ciphers being missing from CompomentFactory. We now use ciphers directly to avoid conflicts with SSH configuration preferences.
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.3
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.3 - Jan 27, 2016
o Update examples to use threaded-mode clients to prevent confusion for new users expecting event type behavior from default single threaded mode.
o Deprecated CBC and ArcFour ciphers.
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.2
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.2 - Aug 15, 2015
o Added SimpleLogger implementation.
o Added Dynamic Port Forwarding.
o Prepared pom.xml for maven central via Nexus.
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.1
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.1 - Jan 2, 2015
Bug Fixes
o Removed references to com.maverick namespace which caused some startup issues.
o Context and ComponentManager are now initialised correctly.
o Added missing and default NoLogger implementation to prevent startup errors caused by no logging implementation being present.
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.0
J2SSH Maverick 1.5.0 - Aug 28, 2014
o New open source branch converted to maven.
o Converted source to 1.5 source compatibility.
o Renamed all base packages to com.sshtools.
o Re-factored logging interface, removed used of event service and replaced with custom interface.
Bug Fixes
o Automatically attempt to add BouncyCastle JCE provider if found in class path. If not installed, there may no large prime support for some Diffie Hellman algorithms.
o Evaluated and removed all java warnings through either re-factor or suppression.