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Dynamically generate RESTful APIs from the contents of a database table. Provides JSON, XML, and HTML. Supports most popular databases


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PHP Database Web API

Version: 0.4.65 beta


Author: Marco Cesarato


Dynamically generate RESTful APIs from the contents of a database table. Provides JSON, XML, and HTML. Supports most popular databases.

What problem this solves

Creating an API to access information within existing database tables is laborious task, when done as a bespoke task. This is often dealt with by exporting the contents of the database as CSV files, and providing downloads of them as a “good enough” solution.

How this solves it

Database Web API acts as a filter, sitting between a database and the browser, allowing users to interact with that database as if it was a native API. The column names function as the key names. This obviates the need for custom code for each database layer.

When Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is installed, parsed data is stored within APC, which accelerates its functionality substantially. While APC is not required, it is recommended highly.

Databases supported

  • 4D
  • Firebird/Interbase
  • IBM
  • Informix
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • ODBC and DB2
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite


  • PHP
  • Database
  • APC (optional)


  • Set the configuration on config.php (Follow the below example to register a new dataset in config.php
  • If you want config an auth system you must compile on the config the constant __AUTH__ as on the example below
  • If you want enable the auth system rename .htaccess_auth to .htaccess
  • Document the API


Edit config.php to include a single instance of the following for each dataset (including as many instances as you have datasets):

EXAMPLE with explanation

define("__API_NAME__", "Database Web API"); // API Name
define("__BASE_DIR__", ""); // Dir relative to the http root where is located

define("__AUTH__",  serialize(array( // Set null for disable authentication
	'database' => 'dataset',
	'users' => array(
		'table' => 'users', // Table where users are stored
		'columns' => array(
			'id' => 'user_id',
			'password' => 'password',
			'dmin' => array('is_admin' => 'on') // Admin bypass all black/whitelists. Set NULL for disable
		'search' => array('user_id', 'email', 'username'), // Search user by these fields
		'check' => array('active' => 1) // Some validation checks. In this case if the column 'active' with value '1'. Set NULL for disable
	'callbacks' => array( // Functions stored in includes/callbacks.php that you can customize. Set NULL for disable (readonly)
		'sql_restriction' => 'callback_sql_restriction',
		'can_read' => 'callback_can_read',
		'can_write' => 'callback_can_write',
		'can_edit' => 'callback_can_edit',
		'can_delete' => 'callback_can_delete',

define("__DATASETS__", serialize(array(
	'dataset' => array(
		'name' => 'database_name', // Database name
		'username' => 'user', // root is default
		'password' => 'passwd', // root is default
		'server' => 'localhost',  // localhost default
		'port' => 5432, // 3306 is default
		'type' => 'pgsql', // mysql is default
		'table_list' => array( // Tables's whitelist (Allow only the tables in this list, if empty allow all)
		'table_blacklist' => array( // Tables's blacklist
		'table_free' => array(), // Tables's with free access (no permissions needed)
		'table_readonly' => array(), // Tables with readonly permissions (usually when no permissions needed)
		'column_list' => array( // Columns's whitelist (Allow only the columns in this list, if empty allow all)
			'users' => array(
		'column_blacklist' => array( // Columns's blacklist
			'users' => array(

_Note: All fields of __DATASETS__ (except the name of database) are optional and will default to the above._

Default dataset values:

	'name' => null,
	'username' => 'root',
	'password' => 'root',
	'server' => 'localhost',
	'port' => 3306,
	'type' => 'mysql',
	'table_blacklist' => array(),
	'table_list' => array(),
	'column_blacklist' => array(),
	'column_list' => array(),
	'ttl' => 3600,


Callbacks availables (Prepared versions on includes/callbacks.php):

function callback_sql_restriction($table, $permission)
function callback_can_read($table)
function callback_can_write($table){
function callback_can_edit($table)
function callback_can_delete($table)

You can use this code fo have a database instance and the current user authenticated row:

$user = Auth::getUser(); // User row
$db = API::getDatabase('dataset'); // You can specify dataset. Return PDO Object

Note: All callbacks if return NULL will use default values with readonly permissions.


  • sql_restriction

    Description: Return a string to append in where condition

    Parameters: $table, $permission

    Options of $permission:

    case 'READ':
    case 'WRITE':
    case 'EDIT':
    case 'DELETE':


    // All denied
    $sql = "'1' = '0'";
    // All allowed
    $sql = "'1' = '1'";


    // Only Created
    $sql = 'created_by = '.$user['id'];
    // Only Team
    $sql = 'created_by IN ('.implode(',',$teams_ids).')';
  • can_read

    Description: Return if can GET/SELECT

    Parameters: $table

    Return: Boolean

  • can_write

    Description: Return if can POST/INSERT

    Parameters: $table

    Return: Boolean

  • can_edit

    Description: Return if can PUT/UPDATE

    Parameters: $table

    Return: Boolean

  • can_delete

  • Description: Return if can DELETE

    Parameters: $table

    Return: Boolean


For implement the callbacks you need to add the callbacks array to the __AUTH__ constant:

'callbacks' => array( // Set NULL for disable (readonly)
	 'sql_restriction' => 'callback_sql_restriction',
	 'can_read' => 'callback_can_read',
	 'can_write' => 'callback_can_write',
	 'can_edit' => 'callback_can_edit',
	 'can_delete' => 'callback_can_delete',

API Structure

Format availables:

  • JSON
  • XML
  • HTML (for debug)

Generic URL format for all kind of request:

  • Fetch all: /[token]/[database]/[table].[format]
  • Fetch all with limit: /[token]/[database]/[limit]/[table].[format]
  • Fetch: /[token]/[database]/[table]/[ID].[format]
  • Fetch search by coolumn: /[token]/[database]/[table]/[column]/[value].[format]

Advanced search:

Note: These examples are valid only for GET and PUT requests

Search single value

where[column]              = 1    // column = 1
where[column][=]           = 1    // column = 1
where[column][!]           = 1    // column != 1
where[column][>]           = 1    // column > 1
where[column][<]           = 1    // column < 1
where[column][%]           = "%1" // column LIKE "%1"

Search multiple values

where[column]              = array(1,5,7)     // IN (...) (IN can be equal to an OR)
where[column][=]           = array(1,5,7)     // IN (...) 
where[column][!]           = array(1,5,7)     // NOT IN (...)
where[column][>]           = array(1,2)       // column > 1 AND column > 2
where[column][<]           = array(1,2)       // column < 1 AND column < 2
where[column][%]           = array("%1","%2") // column LIKE "%1" AND column LIKE "%2"

Specify column's table

where['table.column'][=] = array(1,5,7)

Compare between two different table columns

where['table_a.column_a'] = 'table_b.column_b'

Compare between different columns of main table

where['column_a'] = 'table_a.column_b'
// OR
where['table_a.column_a'] = 'table_a.column_b'
where['column_a'] = 'column_b'

Additional parameters

  • order_by: column_name

    Can be and array or a string

    order_by = 'username, name, surname'
    // OR
    order_by = array('username', 'name', 'surname')

    for more specific order direction

    order_by['users.username'] = 'DESC'
  • direction: ASC or DESC (default ASC)

  • limit: max elements to retrieve

ex: /[database]/[tabel]/[colomn]/[value].[format]?order_by=[column]&direction=[direction]


Authentication needed for browse the database.

The authentication permit to managed the privilege of the users (read, write, modify, delete)

  • Authentication: /auth/[password]/[id].[format]

Request example:

GET /auth/password/1265.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Response example:

[{"token": "b279fb1d0708ed81e7a194e0c5d928b6"}]

Example of token usage on GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests:

GET /bfee499dfa1387648ec8ce9d621db120/database/users.json` HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

GET Request

Retrieve data from dataset

  • Fetch all: /[token]/[database]/[table].[format]

  • Fetch all with limit: /[token]/[database]/[limit]/[table].[format]

  • Fetch: /[token]/[database]/[table]/[ID].[format]

  • Fetch search by column: /[token]/[database]/[table]/[column]/[value].[format]

  • Fetch all joining table:

    join[table] = array(
      'on' => <column_id>,           // Column of the table joined
      	'value' => <value>,            // Column of main table or value
      	'method' => (left|inner|right) // Optional

    Example with value:

    join[users]['on'] = id
    join[users]['value'] = 1
    join[users]['method'] = 'INNER'

    Example with column:

    join[users]['on'] = id            // Column of the table joined
    join[users]['value'] = user_id    // Column of the main table (no users)
    join[users]['method'] = 'INNER'
  • Additional parameters

ex: /[database]/[table]/[column]/[value].[format]?order_by=[column]&direction=[direction]

Examples of GET requests:

GET /dataset/users.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
GET /dataset/10/users.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
GET /dataset/users/1.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
GET /dataset/users/is_active/1.json?order_by=username&direction=desc HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

POST Request

Insert data

Single insert:

  • Select the table on URL: /[database]/[table].[format]
  • Insert parameter: insert[<column>] = <value>

Multiple insert:

  • Select dataset on URL: /[database].[format]
  • Insert parameter: insert[<table>][] = <value>

Multiple insert on the same table:

  • Select dataset on URL: /[database].[format]
  • Insert parameter: insert[<table>][<$i>][<column>] = <value>

Examples of POST requests:

Single insert:

POST /dataset/users.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
insert[username]=Marco&insert[email][email protected]&insert[password]=3vwjehvdfjhefejjvw&insert[is_active]=1

Multiple insert:

POST /dataset.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
insert[users][id]=1000&insert[users][username]=Marco&insert[users][email][email protected]&insert[users][password]=3vwjehvdfjhefejjvw&insert[users][is_active]=1&

Multiple insert on the same table:

POST /dataset.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
insert[users][0][username]=Marco&insert[users][0][email][email protected]&insert[users][0][password]=3vwjehvdfjhefejjvw&insert[users][0][is_active]=1&insert[users][1][username]=Brad&insert[users][1][email][email protected]&insert[users][1][password]=erwerwerffweeqewrf&insert[users][1][is_active]=1

PUT Request

Update data

Single update:

  • Select the row on URL: /[database]/[table]/[id].[format]
  • Update parameter: update[<column>] = <value>

Multiple update:

  • Select the dataset on URL: /[database].[format]
  • Update parameter: update[<table>][values][<column>] = <value>
  • Multiple update parameter conditions: update[<table>][where][<column>] = <value>

Note: At the moment you can update only one row for table

Examples of PUT Requests:

Single Update:

PUT /dataset/users/1.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
update['username']=Marco&update['email'][email protected]&update['password']=3vwjehvdfjhefejjvw&update['is_active']=1

Multiple Update:

PUT /dataset.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
update[users][values][username]=Marco&update[users][values][email][email protected]&update[users][where][id]=1&update[cities][values][name]=Padova&update[cities][where][id]=1

DELETE Request

Delete data

  • Select the row on table: /[database]/[table]/[id].[format]

Examples of DELETE Requests:

DELETE /dataset/users/1.json HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

API Client

PHP API Client

Filename: apiclient.class.php

Class name: APIClient

Method Params Return Description
getInstance - Void Returns static reference to the class instance
fetch $table, $format = 'json', $params = array() Object Fetch data
searchElement $key, $value, $array Object Search object in array
filterBy $key, $value, $array, $limit = null Array Filter results array by single key
filter $value, $array, $limit = null Array Filter results array by multiple values


$api_client = APIClient::getInstance();

$api_client->DEBUG = true;
$api_client->URL = 'http://localhost';
$api_client->ACCESS_TOKEN = '4gw7j8erfgerf6werf8fwerf8erfwfer';
$api_client->DATASET = 'dataset';

$params = array(
	'where' => array(
		'type' => array('C', 'O', 'L'),
		'accounts_addresses.address' => array(
			'!' => '', // NOT NULL
	'join' => array(
		'accounts_addresses' => array(
			'on' => 'parent_id',
			'value' => 'id',
			'method' => 'LEFT'
		'accounts_agents' => array(
			'on' => 'parent_id',
			'value' => 'id'
	'order_by' => array(
		'address' => array(
			'table' => 'accounts_addresses',
			'direction' => 'DESC'
		'type' => array(
			'table' => 'accounts_addresses',
			'direction' => 'ASC'
$records = $api_client->fetch('accounts', 'json', $params);



Dynamically generate RESTful APIs from the contents of a database table. Provides JSON, XML, and HTML. Supports most popular databases







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