Demo project for a spring boot live demo with focus on testing and security.
- Spring Boot (Java 11 / Maven)
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Lombok
- Flyway
- DevTools
- integrationtest setup with H2 in-memory database
- serving a REST API
- REST controller
- tests for the controller with MockMvc
- requesting a remote client
- client calls with RestTemplate
- refactoring the client url to properties
- testing the client calls with Wiremock
- mocking with Mockito
- Applying security
- securing the application with a basic auth user (authentication)
- apply authorization on path level
- apply authorization on method level
- testing security
- with a real (basic auth) user
- with a mock user
- Shop-System
- existing entity: Order
- id
- article (just one, to keep it simple)
- (customer)
- PUT /order/{id}
- allows updating status to CONFIRMED
- calls warehouse-service to reserve article for customer
- calls payment-service via payment-adapter to confirm payment
Start local Postgres database via docker:
docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres