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A robust CLI color conversion utility written in Python.


  • Supports conversions between hexcode, RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSL, and HSV
  • Lenient automatic input detection (can be overriden)
  • Bulk conversions to and from files


This program is available as a package on the AUR.

For manual installation on Unix operating systems (Linux+MacOS):

  • Ensure that you have python3 installed
  • Clone/download and unzip this repo
  • Navigate to the unzipped folder in your terminal and run the following commands (technically, only the first command is necessary to use the program):
# install -m 755 -TD "" "/usr/bin/color-converter"
# install -m 644 -TD "" "/usr/share/doc/color-converter/"
# install -m 644 -TD "LICENSE" "usr/share/licenses/color-converter/LICENSE"

To uninstall, run these commands:

# rm -f "/usr/bin/color-converter"
# rm -rf "/usr/share/doc/color-converter/"
# rm -rf "/usr/share/licenses/color-converter/"

For manual installation on Windows

To be frank, I don't have a Windows manchine so I'm not exactly sure how you would get this set up as an "installed" command line program. If you don't want to run it as a Python program each time, maybe you could create a batch script to run the program, and put said script somewhere in your PATH.


Simply supply one or more color codes in any of the supported formats as a string, and you will receive output of all supported format conversions.

$ python "#85feab"
rgb(133, 254, 171)
cmy(47.84, 0.39, 32.94)
cmyk(47.64, 0.00, 32.68, 0.39)
hsl(138.84, 98.37, 75.88)
hsv(138.84, 47.64, 99.61)

You can use one or more flags to specify the output formats:

$ python -rgb -hsl "#abc123" "#def456"
rgb(171, 193, 35)
hsl(68.35, 69.30, 44.71)

rgb(222, 244, 86)
hsl(68.35, 87.78, 64.71)

You can also use this tool to convert codes in bulk.

For example, to input a file that has color codes in various formats and have them all converted to a single format:

$ python color-converter -cmyk -i "input_file" -o "output_file"

Where the input file contains:

rgb(1, 2, 3)
HSV(1, 2, 3)

If the output file didn't already exist, it will be created. Otherwise, it will be overwritten with:

cmyk(66.67, 33.33, 0.00, 98.82)

cmyk(79.07, 39.53, 0.00, 66.27)

cmyk(0.00, 12.50, 12.50, 96.86)

Note: include the -a flag to append to an existing output file, rather than overwriting it.

The program will try to determine what color format you're inputting, and will succeed as long as the format is indicated at some point in the input string.

For example, these are all valid strings to input 50, 100, and 200 as RGB values:

"rgb(50, 100, 200)"
"  RGB: 50 100 200"
"excessive_stuff to! emphasize $ robsustness(rGb-50 .   )100^200"

_Note: Hexcodes need to have a "#"

However, if you only have raw number values (or just want to manually override the auto detector), you can specify your input color format with flags.

For example:

$ python -rgb -isCmyk "1 2 3 4"
rgb(242, 240, 237)

(Don't forget to use the -h or --help flags for additional in-terminal help)

Project Background

I started this project because I found myself converting between Hex and RGB a lot while ricing. As I was frequently visiting various color picker websites, I began thinking more and more about how color conversions even work in the first place. What is a color space?

Using any random color-picker online to go from RBG->Hex (and vice versa) works plenty fine, but, I think CLI tools are cool. I searched around a bit on github and the AUR and couldn't find any CLI color conversion utilities. I decided I could make one for fun, and the scope slowly expanded. I realized this was my opportunityto make and distribute a tool that could potentially serve others!

Conversion Sources
