This version mainly adds the consistency of sessionserver and dataserver to maintain data consistency, and fixes dataserver data backup and data synchronization bugs, and incorporates some internal features.
- add commons-collections version 3.2.2
Bug Fix
- Datum version number is generated when writing to memory #56
- More data nodes cannot reach the working state problem #55
- DataServer reaches working state but data is not synchronized #54
- DataServer expansion data synchronization process is affected by cleanup tasks #53
- DataServer expansion or node change causes data migration process to increase memory #52
- Publish new task asynchronously, configure independent thread pool current limit #51
- Push task to confirm thread blocking problem #50
- Add sofa hessian blacklist #38
- Client fast chain breakage data can not be cleaned up #37
- After the client sends a sub successfully, it is not guaranteed to subscribe to the data. #36
- Sometimes receive "Not leader" response from leader in OnStartingFollowing() #31
- During meta startup, leader may not register itself #30