- (This is a microverse project base learning project and I work with my coding partners and get some feedback from code reviewers. To prove that i can build landing page with html, css , javascript and bootstrap.)
- Html
- Css
- Form
- Flexbox
- Figma
- Formspree service
- (RWD) responsive web design using media query
- Animation and Transition
- Use gitHub pages
- Check the accessibility for this portfolio
- Use the js DOM to close the mobile while clicking at the humburger icon
- Use the javascript objects and arrays to store the data for every project
Click here to see the Live Demo of the website
-Github : [Soe Sandar Win] (@https://github.com/soesandarwin2201) -Twitter: @SoeSand14306315
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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