Have you ever tried to translate a program like Stepmania and wondered "Hmmmmm, now where can I find that line in the .ini?" Now there's no need to wonder! This program will make a translator view file for your translation .ini and make you translation job easier
You will need python 3 to run this program and to have configparser installed in it (python pip install configparser). Just run the program with your favorite python enviroment, type the full name of your ini file (needs to be at the same folder as the program for now, also make sure to have no duplicate lines in your file), Type a theme name or any other name as an extra note, select 1 or 2 for the type of lines you want to have (more on that later) and done!
Due to request I made 2 types of lines:
- Shows the section and the key where the line is present (your_theme, Section, Key).
- Shows the line number where the key can be found at (your_theme, line number).
Since this is my very first shared program I focused on making it just work for starters, if anybody wants to help fix up the code and make it better I'll be happy to put those fixes in.