This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 26, 2024. It is now read-only.
Version 1.1
- Tooltips have been added
- A fixed startup directory for ssNake can be set from preferences
- Spectra can be aligned based on the maximum position in a given region
- Added autophasing per trace
- The traces in a contour plot can now also display the values at the diagonal
- Added the option for color ranges in array and stacked plots
- The Czjzek distribution can now be stored in a file
- Added a fitting routine for mixed CSA and quadrupole data
- Added a function to roll data
- Added volume integration from the contour plot
- Ctrl and Shift can be used as modifiers to change the step size for various buttons
- Added support of MestreC data
- Linear prediction using LPSVD
- In peak deconvolution, the resonances outside of the spectral windows are now dropped
- Support for Numpy 1.16