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Starting Manticore and Environment Variables

Chris edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 26 revisions

Set up Manticore

Manticore runs in a Docker container and is provisioned by Nomad, just like with sdl_core and generic_hmi. However, Manticore needs some environment variables before it can function properly. Everything you need to generate and submit the Manticore job file is created for you under the /build folder. All you need to do is pass in the appropriate environment variables. Manticore uses dotenv so all your environment variables can be stored in a .env file inside the /build folder. Manticore's .gitignore will not push that file to repositories. You may use the recent Manticore images hosted on SmartDeviceLink's Docker Hub as the server image. Make sure to pull it first so that the server starts up faster:

sudo docker pull smartdevicelink/manticore:<tag version number>

Environment variables

Setting up the wrong configuration may cause Manticore to refuse to run. Therefore, it is important to understand what your configurations options are, as Manticore allows for lots of valid combinations. Check out this file for details on how this works. Not all the environment variables will be covered here.

Basic useful environment variables

# (REQUIRED) The docker image name of the Manticore server. 
# Note that this environment variable is only used for the "manticore-job.js" file and not for the server
# The logging level for Manticore. Defaults to 'debug'
# Set to 'error' to only log errors
# Whether the default Manticore webpage will be served to clients.
# Use this for testing job submissions. Defaults to false
# Whether CORS is enabled. Defaults to false
# The ARN of your SSL certificate for enabling secure connections

Enable Timeout Mode

# How long a user is allowed to use the Manticore service uninterrupted (seconds)
# How long a user has after a warning before being booted off (seconds)
# The total time a user has to use Manticore while idling is therefore 
# Whether a client can send a WebSocket message to reset the amount of time 
# before a user is removed from Manticore. This can be used to enforce a max 
# limit of how long a user can use their jobs

Enable Advanced Health Checks

# The amount of time in seconds between health evaluations. Manticore will use 
# the job history to determine healthiness, and submit jobs on its own behalf 
# if there is no job history within this period

Enable JWT Mode

# Enables usage of JSON web tokens as the form of identification. If disabled, 
# users are identified by an "id" property in the request body

Enable HAProxy Mode

# The name of your domain that you use to direct users to 
# local ip addresses of resources
# The lowest port and highest number that HAProxy can open ports on for 
# TCP connections. Make sure your security groups are configured so that 
# these ports can be accessed from anywhere and that there are no other
# programs on your OS that are currently using these ports.
# The port HAProxy opens for web traffic, including to Manticore

Enable AWS Mode

# The region name of where Manticore is hosted (ex. us-east-1)

Enable ELB Mode (Requires enabled AWS mode)

# The name of the AWS ELB that Manticore should be controlling
# The port for the SSL protocol listener for the ELB. Do not make it 443! 
# You should be using a classic load balancer for Manticore, and 
# WebSocket and HTTP connections cannot happen on the same port in this case!

Enable AWS Security Group Mode (Requires enabled AWS mode and enabled ELB mode)

# The security group ID that will allow access to Manticore's internal network
# The security group ID that will allow access through Manticore's 
# external load balancer

Encrypted Traffic Mode (Requires enabled AWS mode, enabled ELB mode and a valid SSL_CERTIFICATE_ARN)

# Whether to encrypt HTTP traffic to jobs and to the server. Defaults to false
# Whether to encrypt WS traffic to jobs and to the server. Defaults to false
# Whether to encrypt TCP traffic to jobs. Defaults to false

Start Manticore

While in the build folder (NOT THE SERVER FOLDER), type the following to install dependencies and start the job submission process

npm install
npm start

You can check your status of jobs running the following:

# For all jobs
nomad status -address=http://<IP of this machine>:4646 
# For specifically Manticore
nomad status -address=http://<IP of this machine>:4646 manticore

Start consul-template

Copy the files out of the project to somewhere else. Edit the template-settings.hcl file and replace $LOCAL_IP with the IP address of this machine

Running consul-template in the background (go to the directory where this is located before running!):

sudo consul-template -config template-settings.hcl &

You may need to give ownership of /etc/haproxy/ and the configuration file within depending on how you run consul-template

Here's what you have to do if you want HTTPS and SSL through the ELB