Releases: skbkontur/retail-ui
Releases · skbkontur/retail-ui
5.0.12 (2025-03-11)
Bug Fixes
- Loader,ZIndex: fix overlap of dropdowns in widgets (#3612) (7990c6d)
- MaskedInput: rerender after theme change (#3614) (840443f)
2.0.6 (2025-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- validations: updating
in validationInfo
(#3595) (05b20f1)
5.0.11 (2025-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- Combobox: use ComboBoxMenuDataTids in Menu (#3601) (ae8afea)
- PasswordInput: prevent Input root data-tid override (#3598) (61b2e83)
2.0.5 (2025-01-24)
Note: Version bump only for package react-ui-validations
5.0.9 (2025-01-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @skbkontur/react-ui
2.0.4 (2025-01-17)
Note: Version bump only for package react-ui-validations
5.0.8 (2025-01-17)
Bug Fixes
5.0.7 (2025-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- Input: crash on focus after page translation (#3572) (0093e57)
- Link: issue with same colors for different uses (#3585) (2413253)
4.27.1 (2024-12-24)
Bug Fixes
- Calendar, DatePicker: fix click on disabled dates (#3574) (5b6095a)
- HideBodyVerticalScroll: fix disorderly unmount and resize (#3575) (eff2651)
- Loader: prevent unwanted activation (#3576) (bcf7a22)