Releases: sintefmath/JutulDarcy.jl
Releases · sintefmath/JutulDarcy.jl
JutulDarcy v0.2.43
- Support for gradients with respect to well controls/limits, forces (see new example for NPV optimization)
- Fix to radius for friction model in MS wells when using convenience constructors
- New timestepper that reduces timestep on large changes in wells (preview, not exported)
Merged pull requests:
- Add minimum timestep to simulator config (#99) (@strene)
- Support for gradients of well controls/composition/temperature, boundary conditions and source terms (#105) (@moyner)
- Timestepping (#106) (@strene)
- Make sure segment radius is set to wellbore radius multisegment wells (#107) (@strene)
- Rate optimization utilities + example (#108) (@moyner)
Closed issues:
- StackOverflowError (#104)
JutulDarcy v0.2.42
- Salinity is now accounted for in brine viscosity for CO2-brine model
- New ease-of-use feature for hydrostatic equilibrium (example:
- Bugfixes to setup of thermal models
- Bugfixes to initialization of equilibrium pressure for aquifer models
- Highly experimental support for writing SUMMARY type output
- Temperature based thresholding in NLDD
- Equilibriation now supports more density functions
- Fix to irreversible rock compressibility
Merged pull requests:
- Increase swap in CI (#98) (@moyner)
- Add utility and example for making hydrostatic equilibrium initialization easier in scripts (#101) (@moyner)
- Add salinity to brine viscosity in CO2 model, fix to irreversible rock compressibility, bugfixes to aquifer initialization, faster setup of models (#102) (@moyner)
- Make sure rock and component heat capacities are set to DataDomain (#103) (@strene)
Closed issues:
- objective function modification (#100)
JutulDarcy v0.2.41
The new release comes with two new major features (improved geothermal support and support for tracers) as well as numerous smaller improvements to code and documentation.
New features
- Expanded geothermal features, including borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) support and automatic setup of property tables with support for salinity.
- Several new geothermal examples (see next section). Code.
- Support for single phase and multiphase tracers that can have per-tracer custom behavior and interact with other properties of the system.
- A validated polymer model (viscosity changes, dead pore space, permability reduction, adsorption) that makes use of the new tracer functionality.
- Routines to rebuild an existing reservoir model with for example new wells or changed properties. This is useful when you have loaded a complex model from input files and want to alter it without changing the input file.
- Docs have been restructured and revised.
New examples
Workflow examples
Validation examples
- Polymer injection in a 2D black-oil reservoir model
- Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) validation
Geothermal examples
- Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES)
- Geothermal doublet
- High-temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES)
- Improved performance for some BLAS versions
- Examples have been reorganized by topic, both in the code and in the documentation to make navigation easier
- Many fixes and improvements to thermal well setup, including additional parameters exposed for sensitivity analysis
- Support for SLGOF keyword
- Bumped Makie compatibility
Merged pull requests:
- Support for different types of tracers + simple polymer model (#90) (@moyner)
- Reorganize the examples a bit (#91) (@moyner)
- Improve polymer model + tracers (#92) (@moyner)
- Updated docs, added support for tracers + polymer and improved equilbriation (#93) (@moyner)
- First steps towards geothermal module (#94) (@strene)
- Geothermal improvements (#96) (@strene)
- Enable BTES example (#97) (@moyner)
JutulDarcy v0.2.40
Merged pull requests:
JutulDarcy v0.2.39
Breaking changes
- Wells are no longer multisegment wells by default.
- Changes in the inner
interface (now takes in well state and facility steate instead of global state)
Other updates
- Function for getting Brooks-Corey capillary pressure (
) - Doc improvements
- Improvements to accuracy and robustness for compositional models
- Support for VCRIT as alternative to ZCRIT
- Support for storing phase fluxes (
). Not exported, name subject to change.
Merged pull requests:
JutulDarcy v0.2.38
- Support for WENO schemes in all solvers
- Two new examples demonstrating consistent schemes (NTPFA, AvgMPFA) and high-resolution (WENO)
- CPR support for alternative discretizations
- Refactored linear solver internal interface
- Improved boundary transmissibility calculations for flow bc
- Support for timestepping based on composition change
Merged pull requests:
JutulDarcy v0.2.36
- Support for linear solves (CPR/ILU) on GPU for CUDA. See docs for more details.
- Improved EDIT and TRANX/TRANY/TRANZ support
- Bug fixes in CPR
- Significantly improved performance for adaptive NLDD solvers
- Example updates
Merged pull requests:
- Adding example of hybrid simulation with DNN for rel perm (#75) (@jakobtorben)
- Tentative CUDA/AMGX support (#76) (@moyner)
- Add high-level CUDA support, doc improvements, NLDD performance increases, CSR backend as default (#77) (@moyner)
Closed issues:
JutulDarcy v0.2.35
- Improved docs
- Coarsening/upscaling routines,
- Parametric rel.perm. cruves (LET/Brooks-Corey)
- Updated plotting, new plotter for field-scale responses
- Units and lots of improvements in well plotter
- Support for SALINITY keyword in CO2 models as an alternative to using salt mole fractions
New Examples:
- Added a new example demonstrating history matching a coarse model using the CGNet method. This includes setting up the optimization problem and comparing results with a fine model.
- Introduced a new example showing how to coarsen a model using various methods and comparing the results with the fine-scale model.
- New example demonstrating different relative permeability functions and how these can be calibrated against data
Merged pull requests:
- Added
(#68) (@turquoisedragon2926) - Upscaling/coarsening of models, CGNet example, relperm example, LET functions, new GUIs, rewritten well plotter (#71) (@moyner)
Closed issues:
JutulDarcy v0.2.34
Merged pull requests: