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SingleStore backend for Django

Attention: The code in this repository is intended for experimental use only and is not yet fully tested, documented, or supported by SingleStore. Visit the SingleStore Forums to ask questions about this repository.

The current version of django-singlestore is being tested with Django 4.2.


Install from source: pip install git+


To use your SingleStore database your Django app, configure the settings as described below:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django_singlestore",
        "HOST": "<your database server address>",
        "PORT": 3306,
        "USER": "<your database user>",
        "PASSWORD": "<your database user's password>",
        "NAME": "<database name>",

# SingleStore does not support datetime with timezones
USE_TZ = False

# Auto increment fields must have BIGINT data type
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.BigAutoField"

Django provides a tutorial to get started.

Features and Limitations

There is a number of limitations when using SingleStore with Django, notably the lack of Foreign Keys on the database level. In addition, a unique key on distributed table must be a superset of the shard key. To learn more about the indexes in SingleStore, visit the docs or troubleshooting guide.

SingleStore supports 4 different storage types for tables: COLUMNSTORE (default on most servers), ROWSTORE, REFERENCE, ROWSTORE REFERENCE.

Major limitations

  • SingleStore does not enforce FOREIGN KEY constraints. The application must ensure referential integrity itself.
  • SingleStore does not support UNIQUE constraints on non-shard key columns in distributed tables. In particular, this means many-to-many intermediate tables (unless REFERENCE) in SingleStore must be built without id column, as they must have a unique constraint on (column_from, column_to).

To overcome the limitation on UNIQUE constraint, django-singlestore provides the following mechanisms.

  1. Use custom table storage type in django models. There are two ways to configure it:
  • Per application. Set DJANGO_SINGLESTORE_TABLE_STORAGE_TYPE_<APP_NAME> to one of the values: "ROWSTORE", "REFERENCE", "ROWSTORE REFERENCE". For default django apps (where we can't modify models definitions easily) we set
  • Per model. Example:
    from django_singlestore.schema import ModelStorageManager
    class Food(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True)
        objects = ModelStorageManager(table_storage_type="REFERENCE")
        def __str__(self):
  1. Do not materialize unique constraints defined in a model if environment variable DJANGO_SINGLESTORE_NOT_ENFORCED_UNIQUE is set. This variable is intended to be used in testing only, as it obfuscates the lack of the unique constraint in the database from an application developer.

To overcome the limitation on unique constraints for many-to-many relationships, the following mechanism can be used: explicitly define an intermediary model (through) and use a custom DDL query to create it. Example:

class Paragraph(models.Model):
text = models.TextField()
page = models.ManyToManyField("Page", through="ParagraphPage")

class ParagraphPage(models.Model):
    paragraph = models.ForeignKey(Paragraph)
    page = models.ForeignKey("Page")

    class Meta:
        unique_together = (('paragraph', 'page'),)
        db_table = "queries_paragraph_page"

Table DDL:

CREATE TABLE `queries_paragraph_page` (
  `paragraph_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  `page_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  SHARD KEY (`paragraph_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY (`paragraph_id`, `page_id`),
  KEY (`paragraph_id`),
  KEY (`page_id`)

Note that the through table does not have a primary key column, so some django features may not work.

Minor limitations

  • ALTER TABLE which modifies type of column is not supported on a columnstore table. A new column must be created, populated with data, and then dropped.
  • Certain query shapes are not supported, see the django_test_skips in for the full list of the issues encountered in django tests.
  • SingleStore does not support FLOAT/DOUBLE primary keys on ColumnStore tables.
  • ALTER TABLE which changes index PRIMARY is not supported on a columnstore table.
  • ALTER TABLE which drops shard index on sharded table is not supported on a columnstore table.
  • ALTER TABLE which modifies column by adding or dropping AUTO_INCREMENT is not supported on a columnstore table.
  • Feature 'Reference Table without a Primary Key' is not supported by SingleStore Distributed.
  • ALTER TABLE which modifies column from NULL to NOT NULL is not supported on a columnstore table.
  • A primary key cannot be added to a table after creation.
  • Feature 'multiple UNIQUE indexes with at least one index containing multiple columns on columnstore table' is not supported by SingleStore.
  • Feature 'Multiple HASH indices on the same columns' is not supported by SingleStore.
  • ALTER TABLE which adds unique/primary/foreign index is not supported on a columnstore table.
  • SingleStore does not support altering of the primary key.
  • Changing table comments is not supported.
  • Nested transactions (savepoints) are not supported by SingleStore.
  • There is no implicit order by id when running SELECT * FROM table.

There may be more limitations (and fixes) as the test suite that comes with django is still being processed.



SingleStore database backend for Django



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