20200819 build (updated)
Changes since the last release:
- updated D3D9 backend to D3D11 for G-Sync/FreeSync support (fullscreen).
- updated DirectSound backend to XAudio2 2.9, for better dynamic device support.
- added integer scaling to reduce scaling artefacts, especially in debugger.
- added sRGB support to rendering pipeline for gamma-correct blending.
- added motion blur option to reduce Gigascreen animation flicker.
- added alt- window scaling up to Alt-9 (500%).
- added multi-sector read support to ATA devices (used by PlayAnimHD).
- changed frame sync to be time based for smoother frame delivery.
- changed function key mappings to use strings in config file.
- fixed reset when LINE port set to zero giving black boot screen.
- fixed creating new MGT/CPM images.
- removed video scanline support, which is less useful on modern displays.
- removed window size snapping and forced window size changes.
- removed real Windows printer support.