This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh
I usually don't want to share my prompts to the real world. For that, I always write my backend server in python and only give a simple webserver endpoint schema to the frontend (I just upload an image, and I directly receive the recommendations)
Using (should take 1min to create a user)
Install modal with pip install modal-client
Auth issues:
- In the modal ui, create a secret for storing the auth for the project, and modify in the backend code
to point to the corresponding secret newly created - add a
inside the token secrets - Also add your OPENAI_API_KEY inside the token one
- In the modal ui, create a secret for storing the auth for the project, and modify in the backend code
modal deploy backend/
See the url that is being displayed and copy pasted that
- Auth:
- add a .env file in the root directory, adding the
is the same than the one used in the backend
- add a .env file in the root directory, adding the
- Start the project locally
- npm run build
- npm run dev
- then visit the local url
- Confirm it works locally!
I suggest deploying that to vercet. After you pushed that in your github repo, just create a project based on the github repo, and don't forget to add VITE_AUTH_TOKEN
as an env variable inside the vercel project.
- We need a list of courses that the user should follow in order to be up to date in his field