It is a project for Microverse's JavaScript Module to be done using pair-programming.
In this website you can add books of your choice to the list of books and save them in your browser's localstorage.
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript (ES6)
- [Live Demo Link]([]
- Live Demo Might not work due to 'luxon' module. So, you checkout it out by intalling it locally following the steps in 'Getting Started' section.
- Install Node.js
- Install text editor of your choice (eg. VS Code)
- Clone the repository from here
- Change directory to 'cd awesome-books-with-es6-modules'
- On the root directory, run 'npm install' on the terminal to install packages.
- Open the index.html file in your browser (using live server) to check your updates and navigate to other pages.
👤 **Silvia Tofana **
- GitHub: @silviatofana
- LinkedIn: @silviatofana
- Twitter: @silviatofana
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.