Full Postman collection to get a trial run of the signNow REST API - the easiest way to embed document signing into your app.
To get your account, register at https://www.signnow.com/developers
Postman collection - a set of requests for making calls to REST API endpoints using the Postman app.
signNow REST API combines endpoints that cover various steps of e-signature workflows: document uploads, using templates, sending documents out to be signed, verifying and managing users, storing signed copies, automating bulk operations with document groups.
To start using the signNow API Postman collection you should get a Sandbox account at https://www.signnow.com/developers.
Requirements: Sandbox account, Basic Authorization token, Postman application
- Clone or download the collection to your computer
- Import the following files to Postman:
SignNow API.postman_collection.json
;signNow Sandbox Env.postman_environment.json
- Go to your Sandbox account and copy the Basic Authorization token from the API Dashboard;
- Add your Sandbox login and password and your Basic Authorization token to the environment in Postman
The base URL is https://api-eval.signnow.com .
Read about the available SignNow features in SignNow API Docs.
Folder 00: Invite to sign the document with fields (role-based invite)
Folder 01: Invite to sign the document without fields (freeform invite)
Folder 02: Create a single-use link to the document for signature
Folder 03: Bulk invite
Folder 04: Document Group Invite
Folder 05: Embedded Signing
Users: Create a user, Get user's info, Change user's details, Send a verification email, Verify email, Reset password, Get modified documents, Get user documents
OAuth: Generate an access token, Verify an access token
Document: Get document, Edit document, Delete document, Upload document, Upload document with tags, Download document, Move document, Send an invite to sign, Cancel invite to sign, Get document download link, Add custom event, Merge documents, Get document history
Template: Create a template, Get document out of a template
Document Group: Create document group, Get document group, Delete document group, Get document groups, Invite to sign document group, Get document group invite, Cancel document group invite, Get pending group invites, Resend document group invite, Update document group invite
Signing link: Create a signing link
Webhooks: Create an event subscription, Get event subscriptions, Delete an event subscription, Update an event subscription
Folder: Create a folder, Get all folders, Get a folder by ID, Delete a folder, Rename a folder
Smart fields: Prefill a Smart field
If you have questions about the signNow API, please visit https://help.signnow.com/docs or email [email protected].
Support: To contact signNow support, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
Sales: For pricing information, please call (800) 831-2050, email [email protected] or visit https://www.signnow.com/contact.
This Postman collection is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.