- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/tutorial-kubernetes-prepare-app
- https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/get-started-with-kubernetes-on-azure
- https://www.linkedin.com/learning/topics/kubernetes
Start Azure Cloud Shell
git clone https://github.com/shurikk/quick-aks.git
cd quick-aks
az group create -l eastus -n rg-handsonaks
az aks create -n handsonaks -g rg-handsonaks -a http_application_routing --load-balancer-sku Standard -c 2 -l eastus --generate-ssh-keys
NOTE: this step might take a few minutes
az aks get-credentials -n handsonaks -g rg-handsonaks
List of cluster nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide
List of namespaces
kubectl get namespaces -o wide
List of pods running in kube-system namespace
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
List of different things in all namespaces
kubectl get svc,deploy,ds,rs,pods --all-namespaces -o wide
kubectl apply -f 0-deployment.yml
kubectl get deploy -o wide
kubectl get deploy -o yaml
kubectl get pods -o wide
Create service
cat 1-service.yml
kubectl apply -f 1-service.yml
kubectl get svc -o wide
Create ingress, expose service publically
cat 2-ingress.yml
kubectl apply -f 2-ingress.yml
watch kubectl get ingress -o wide
Use the IP address and access the service using your web browser or curl
, e.g.
export IP=$(kubectl get ingress/echo -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}")
export URL=http://$IP/echo
echo $IP
echo $URL
curl $URL/i/am/echoed
NOTE: also try opening URL using your browser
Scale up and down
kubectl scale --replicas 5 deploy/echo
for i in $(seq 10); do curl -s $URL/hi/there/$i | grep -a2 "Request served"; done
kubectl scale --replicas 1 deploy/echo
Delete echo application
kubectl delete -f 0-deployment.yml,1-service.yml,2-ingress.yml
kubectl get deploy,svc,ing
and to bring it back to how it was
kubectl apply -f 0-deployment.yml,1-service.yml,2-ingress.yml
kubectl get deploy,svc,ing
kubectl apply -f 4-azure-vote-all-in-one.yml
watch kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc -o wide
Get azure-vote-front service external IP address and open in your web browser, amd watch pods logs
kubectl logs -l app=azure-vote-front -f
Enter the pod
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -o name -l app=azure-vote-front) -- bash
ps auxw
Delete vote application
kubectl delete -f 4-azure-vote-all-in-one.yml
Delete resource group, everything will be gone
az group delete -n rg-handsonaks --no-wait --yes