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- Search Lyrics
- Download Lyrics
- Share Lyrics
- Customisations
- Auto-fill current playing song in search
- Synced Lyrics
- Batch download lyrics
- Import and Export saved lyrics
Spotify removed its feature to see and share lyrics from its free tier just to bring it back again. So, I made this app to get and store lyrics for my favorite songs from Genius and share them like Spotify, all in Material 3 look. As an audiophile, This has now become my way to listen to complete albums with lyrics without dealing with genius's "UI".
English | Myself |
Japanese | kuragehimekuara1 |
Italian | colozzacristian |
Turkish | mikropsoft |
French | Valyyme |
Brazilian Portuguese | luxdev01 |
Simplified/Traditional Chinese | AC19970 |
German | Irgendeinwer |
Persian | alr86 |
Spanish | WaifuPX-DG |
- Fastlyrics
- SongSync
- LrcLib
- Spotify Lyrics UI
- Ktor for networking
- Ksoup for parsing html
- Database using ROOM
- MVI architecture
- Dependency injection using Koin
- Landscapist for Images
- Colorpicker-compose for the color picker
- MaterialKolor for generating color palettes
- Hypnotic Canvas for the mesh gradient background