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node authored and medcl committed Jan 25, 2017
1 parent b957085 commit bd8bcce
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75 changes: 23 additions & 52 deletions 230_Stemming/60_Stemming_in_situ.asciidoc
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@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
=== Stemming in situ
=== 原形词干提取

For the sake of completeness, we will ((("stemming words", "stemming in situ")))finish this chapter by explaining how to
index stemmed words into the same field as unstemmed words. As an example,
analyzing the sentence _The quick foxes jumped_ would produce the following
为了完整地 ((("stemming words", "stemming in situ")))完成本章的内容,我们将讲解如何将已提取词干的词和原词索引到同一个字段中。举个例子,分析句子 _The quick foxes jumped_ 将会得到以下词项:

Expand All @@ -14,18 +11,14 @@ Pos 3: (foxes,fox) <1>
Pos 4: (jumped,jump) <1>

<1> The stemmed and unstemmed forms occupy the same position.
<1> 已提取词干的形式和未提取词干的形式位于相同的位置。

WARNING: Read <<stemming-in-situ-good-idea>> before using this approach.
Warning:使用此方法前请先阅读 <<stemming-in-situ-good-idea>>

To achieve stemming _in situ_, we will use the[`keyword_repeat`]
token filter,((("keyword_repeat token filter"))) which, like the `keyword_marker` token filter (see
<<preventing-stemming>>), marks each term as a keyword to prevent the subsequent
stemmer from touching it. However, it also repeats the term in the same
position, and this repeated term *is* stemmed.
为了归档词干提取出的 _原形_ ,我们将使用[`keyword_repeat`] 过滤器,((("keyword_repeat token filter")))跟 `keyword_marker` 过滤器 ( see <<preventing-stemming>> ) 一样,它把每一个词项都标记为关键词,以防止后续词干提取器对其修改。但是,它依然会在相同位置上重复词项,并且这个重复的词项 *是* 提取的词干。

Using the `keyword_repeat` token filter alone would result in the following:

单独使用 `keyword_repeat` token 过滤器将得到以下结果:

Expand All @@ -34,12 +27,9 @@ Pos 2: (quick,quick) <1>
Pos 3: (foxes,fox)
Pos 4: (jumped,jump)
<1> The stemmed and unstemmed forms are the same, and so are repeated
<1> 提取词干前后的形式一样,所以只是不必要的重复。

To prevent the useless repetition of terms that are the same in their stemmed
and unstemmed forms, we add the
{ref}/analysis-unique-tokenfilter.html[`unique`] token filter((("unique token filter"))) into the mix:
为了防止提取和未提取词干形式相同的词项中的无意义重复,我们增加了组合的 {ref}/analysis-unique-tokenfilter.html[`unique`] 语汇单元过滤器 ((("unique token filter"))) :

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,37 +58,20 @@ PUT /my_index
<1> The `unique` token filter is set to remove duplicate tokens
only when they occur in the same position.
<2> The `keyword_repeat` token filter must appear before the
<3> The `unique_stem` filter removes duplicate terms after the
stemmer has done its work.
<1> 设置 `unique` 类型语汇单元过滤器,是为了只有当重复语汇单元出现在相同位置时,移除它们。
<2> 语汇单元过滤器必须出现在词干提取器之前。
<3> `unique_stem` 过滤器是在词干提取器完成之后移除重复词项。

==== Is Stemming in situ a Good Idea

People like the ((("stemming words", "stemming in situ", "good idea, or not")))idea of stemming _in situ_: ``Why use an unstemmed field
_and_ a stemmed field if I can just use one combined field?'' But is it a
good idea? The answer is almost always no. There are two problems.

The first is the inability to separate exact matches from inexact matches. In
this chapter, we have seen that words with different meanings are often
conflated to the same stem word: `organs` and `organization` both stem to

In <<using-language-analyzers>>, we demonstrated how to combine a query on a
stemmed field (to increase recall) with a query on an unstemmed field (to
improve relevance).((("language analyzers", "combining query on stemmed and unstemmed field"))) When the stemmed and unstemmed fields are separate, the
contribution of each field can be tuned by boosting one field over another
(see <<prioritising-clauses>>). If, instead, the stemmed and unstemmed forms
appear in the same field, there is no way to tune your search results.

The second issue has to do with how the ((("relevance scores", "stemming in situ and")))relevance score is calculated. In
<<relevance-intro>>, we explained that part of the calculation depends on the
_inverse document frequency_ -- how often a word appears in all the documents
in our index.((("inverse document frequency", "stemming in situ and"))) Using in situ stemming for a document that contains the text
`jump jumped jumps` would result in these terms:
==== 原形词干提取是个好主意吗

用户喜欢 _原形_ 词干提取这个主意:``如果我可以只用一个组合字段,为什么还要分别存一个未提取词干和已提取词干的字段呢?'' 但这是一个好主意吗?答案一直都是否定的。因为有两个问题:

第一个问题是无法区分精准匹配和非精准匹配。本章中,我们看到了多义词经常会被展开成相同的词干词:`organs` 和 `organization` 都会被提取为 `organ` 。

在 <<using-language-analyzers>> 我们展示了如何整合一个已提取词干属性的查询(为了增加召回率)和一个未提取词干属性的查询(为了提升相关度)。((("language analyzers", "combining query on stemmed and unstemmed field"))) 当提取和未提取词干的属性相互独立时,单个属性的贡献可以通过给其中一个属性增加boost值来优化(参见 <<prioritising-clauses>> )。相反地,如果已提取和未提取词干的形式置于同一个属性,就没有办法来优化搜索结果了。

第二个问题是,必须搞清楚 ((("relevance scores", "stemming in situ and")))相关度分值是否如何计算的。在 <<relevance-intro>> 我们解释了部分计算依赖于逆文档频率(IDF)—— 即一个词在索引库的所有文档中出现的频繁程度。((("inverse document frequency", "stemming in situ and"))) 在一个包含文本 `jump jumped jumps` 的文档上使用原形词干提取,将得到下列词项:

Expand All @@ -107,8 +80,6 @@ Pos 2: (jumped,jump)
Pos 3: (jumps,jump)

While `jumped` and `jumps` appear once each and so would have the correct IDF,
`jump` appears three times, greatly reducing its value as a search term in
comparison with the unstemmed forms.
`jumped` 和 `jumps` 各出现一次,所以有正确的IDF值;`jump` 出现了3次,作为一个搜索词项,与其他未提取词干的形式相比,这明显降低了它的IDF值。

For these reasons, we recommend against using stemming in situ.

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