Early Go implementation of the bagit specification
latest binary:
- osx https://github.com/nyudlts/go-bagit/releases/download/v0.1.1-alpha/go-bagit-v0.1.1-alpha-osx.tgz
- linux https://github.com/nyudlts/go-bagit/releases/download/v0.1.1-alpha/go-bagit-v0.1.1-alpha-linux.tgz
tar xvzf go-bagit-[VERSION]-[OS].tgz
sudo mv go-bagit /path/to/bins
go build -o go-bagit main/main.go
- md5
- sha1
- sha256
- sha512
go-bagit [command] [flags]
help Help about any command
validate validate a bag
create create a bag
modify modify a bag
go-bagit validate [flags]
--bag string location of the bag to be validated, Mandatory
-h, --help help for validate
--fast test whether the bag directory has the expected payload specified in the checksum manifests without performing checksum validation to detect corruption
--completeness-only only test whether the bag directory has the number of files and total size specified in Payload-Oxum without performing checksum validation to detect corruption
go-bagit create [flags]
--algorithm string the algorithm used for checksums (default "md5")
-h, --help help for create
--input-dir string the directory to be bagged
--processes int Use multiple processes to calculate checksums faster (default 1)
go-bagit modify [flags]
--add-to-bag add a file to tag manifest
--bag string bag to be validated
--file string location of a file
-h, --help help for modify