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Generator builds complete HTTP requests from an OpenAPI specification.

Requires a cfg file populated with identifier values for the specification.

The cfgutil tool can be used to generate cfg files from OpenAPI specification files.

Some scripts - such as doall - leverage jsonfs and expect it to be in their PATH.

Written in Go.


go build

Database format

The text file format is as per cfg:

# Alice's identifiers

      disallow regex title=".*" path=".*"                                            # Disallow by default
	permit regex title="Some.API.Set*" title="Accounts v[1-3]"
      permit path="/somewhere/myapi" path="/nowhere/yourapi/{someId}" title="foo"

      disallow regex "ABC*"

	disallow title="Some APIs" title="Not-Your-API"

	disallow regex path=".*/accessible"   # Disallowed for paths in the form `*/accessible` such as `"/foo/accessible"`
	permit regex title="ABC*"           # Allowed for all APIs titled "ABC …" like "ABC Accounts v3"


index=            # This value intentionally left blank, this is not a mistake
      properties fuzz

      values 2 4 6 8

Lines other than the id=value line are optional.

permit implies that the identifier is valid for attributes listed.

disallow implies that the identifier is invalid for attributes listed.

As such, the restriction mechanism is restrict first (disallow), then add caveats (permit).

permit and disallow have an optional attribute, regex, which asserts all entries on a line are regular expressions as per Go's "regexp" package for matching.

Interactive testing of regular expression validity may be convenient through The Go Playground.

The attribute name title indicates the "title": field value of an OpenAPI specification.

The attribute name path indicates the "path": field of an OpenAPI specification.

Omission of both permit and disallow implies that an identifier is valid for all paths of all API's.

A single permit or disallow tuple (line) is binding to that line and represents a single rule. For example, if two title and one path attributes share a permit tuple, then that tuple implies that across two title entries one path is valid under both titles.

For a given identifier to be returned in the set of results, the identifier must not fulfill any disallow tuple and must fulfill at least one permit tuple.

A global dissolution disallow tuple with one valid path on any API would resemble:

      disallow regex title=".*" path=".*"
      permit path="/foo/{someId}"

properties is a list of keys indicating how substitution may be performed.

i.e. the path /move/{tenant}/{tenant}?object={someId} would become /move/456-768-675-209/678-231-235-764?object=abc-123-def-321 for the above cfg.

The fuzz property instructs generator to randomly generate a valid-typed value for an identifier.

values instructs generator to select a value from the list of values. The selection from the list of values is sequential within a section of a request. If combined with the fuzz property, a value will be chosen at random.

Disclaimer: At the time of writing, fuzz is not fully implemented and there's no sequencing of values done. Only the first value is taken for sets of results and further functionality will come later. Fuzz may be removed from the spec in the future.


Usage of generator:
  -D    verbose logging output
        Use ADO output mode for replay results
        force writing a body for ALL requests
  -api string
        OpenAPI JSON file to parse
  -auth string
        'Authorization: Bearer' header token value
  -cert string
        Certificate (if listening HTTPS)
  -db string
        key=value database to read identifiers from
  -ignoremethods string
        HTTP methods to not build (PUT,PATCH)
  -key string
        Private key (if listening HTTPS)
  -listen string
        TCP port to listen on for HTTP (if any)
        Strip Authorization: and Cookie: headers
        Do not replay built requests
  -o string
        file name to write output to (default "-")
        log HTTP bodies
  -proto string
        HTTP protocol to use (default "https")
        if a value can't be filled, fail
  -target string
        Hostname to force target replay to


Many supporting scripts are written in the rc shell under WSL.

Rc can be installed on Debian-like systems with sudo apt-get install rc.

  • doall — takes a directory of OpenAPI v3 .json files and runs generator on them

Note that none of the scripts are mandatory for this tooling to work, they simply demonstrate automation of generator.


Generate requests with auth:

$ go run generator.go -auth $(getbearer) -api specification.json -db alice.cfg

Generate requests from the OpenAPI JSON file myapi.json to called using identifiers for Alice from alice.cfg to be run as Bob via the OAuth token Bearer xyz and pretty-print results:

$ go run generator.go -auth "xyz" -api myapi.json -db alice.cfg  | jq .
  "GET /accounts/me/address HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n",
  "GET /accounts/123-321 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n",
  "GET /accounts/123-321/about HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n",
  "GET /accounts/123-321/status HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n",
  "GET /accounts/123-321/accessible HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n",
  "POST /accounts/123-321/update HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: something.somewhere\r\nAuthorization: Bearer xyz\r\n\r\n"