This repo contains the Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 model, and code associated with its creation, curation, and testing.
The model was generated using GenBank genome for MIT1002 (Accession Number: NZ_JXRW01000001), accessible via KBase. The narrative for generating the draft model, is available here:
This repo uses GtiHub actions to automatically test the model. Upon every push, pull request, manual trigger:
- A new MEMOTE report is generated, and saved as "index.html"
- Run custom tests
- Validate the SBML file
- Test for growth on no carbon sources
- Test known growth phenotypes, and regenerate the experimental vs predicted growth heatmap figure
- Run the MEMOTE test to search for ATP generating cycles
- The model is exported to JSON and excel formats
Note: MACAW is not run as part of the action due to the longer run time of the dilution test. To run MACAW use:
- Make a GitHub account
- Make a fork/branch of this repo
- Make your edits
- Open a pull request