id: 1 // generated on the back end
username: 'barbara', // String, required
password: 'moore', // String, required
email: null, // String, not required
first_name: null, // String, not required
last_name: null, // String, not required
Method | URL | Description |
GET | /api/users | Get a list of all users |
POST | /api/users/register | Register a new user using provided username/password |
POST | /api/users/login | Login to a user account (returns token) |
POST | /api/users/signup | Register a new user using provided username/password |
POST | /api/users/signin | Login to a user account (returns token) |
id: 1 // generated on the back end, do not need to include with request
name: 'Mashed Potatoes', // String, required
source: 'Grandma', //String required
category: 'Side Dish', // String, required
imageURL: 'put-a-link-here' // String, not required
Method | URL | Description |
GET | /api/recipes | Get a list of all recipes |
GET | /api/recipes/:id | Get a recipe by id |
POST | /api/recipes | Add a recipe (name, category, source, imageURL) to the server |
PUT | /api/recipes/:id | Update a recipe by ID (must be the user that uploaded it) |
DELETE | /api/recipes/:id | Delete a recipe by ID (must be the user that uploaded it) |
Schema to GET:
id: 1 // generated on the back end, do not need to include with request
ingredient: '1/4 tsp salt', // String, required
recipe_id: 5 // generated on the back end, do not need to include with request
Schema to POST:
ingredients: [
'2 cloves garlic, crushed',
'2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste',
'16 ounces ricotta cheese',
]; // Array, required
Schema to PUT:
id: 10, // ID of ingredient to update, from state
ingredient: '1 pound sweet italian sausage', // String, required (the updated info)
Method | URL | Description |
GET | /api/recipes/:id/ingredients | Get a list of all ingredients for the provided recipe |
POST | /api/recipes/:id/ingredients | Add an array of ingredients to a recipe by ID (must the the user that uploaded it) |
PUT | /api/recipes/:id/ingredients | Submit a single ingredient to update the information for (along with its id) |
Schema to GET:
id: 1 // generated on the back end, do not need to include with request
instruction: 'Whisk eggs in a large mixing bowl, then add diced green peppers.', // String, required
recipe_id: 5 // generated on the back end, do not need to include with request
Schema to POST:
instructions: [
'Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil',
'Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C)',
]; // Array, required
Schema to PUT:
id: 10, // ID of instruction to update, from state
instruction: 'Keep covered, stirring occasionally', // String, required (the updated info)
Method | URL | Description |
GET | /api/recipes/:id/instructions | Get a list of all instructions for the provided recipe |
POST | /api/recipes/:id/instructions | Add an array of instructions to a recipe by ID (must the the user that uploaded it) |
PUT | /api/recipes/:id/instructions | Submit a single instruction to update the information for (along with its id) |