Write composable slices of html, css, and js in Clojure.
Slice uses Scriptjure, Hiccup, and Gaka for translation. http://emailatask.com uses slice.
I've been writing webapps entirely in Clojure for some time, using scriptjure to generate JS, hiccup for HTML, and cssgen for CSS. I was tired though of not having all the code for a slice of a webpage in one place. Some of my css was in css.clj and my scriptjure in javascript.clj and my html throughout my app. If I wanted to add a css class and use it with js I had to change it in at least three files (html, css, and js). I really wanted to have my html, css, and js for a given widget right next to each other so they could more easily be composed, reused, modified, and tested.
See example.clj
Search clojars.org for latest version and add it to project.clj or pom.xml.
A slice is a function that returns a Slice record with keys such as :title, :html, :css, :js, :dom, :head, etc.
(slice example
(title "Example")
(js (alert "Hi"))
(html [:h1 "Bye"])
(css (rule "h1" :color :blue)))
One difference between slices and normal functions is that the return value of every form in the body of a slice will be added to the slice returned. So in the example above, none of the forms have side effects but css is not the only form included in the slice returned.
Another difference is that when defining a slice that doesn't take any args like example above the arg list can be ommited. Also when calling slices that take no args, like jquery above, they don't need to be enclosed in (). See Tricks for other differences.
So the slice above defines a function named example that will return a record like:
{:slice true
:head ["code for jquery"]
:title ["Example"]
:js ["alert(\"Hi\")"]
:html ["<h1>Bye</h1>"]
:css ...}
The function render will render a slice as an html page with the included js and css.
(render example)
To have all slices rendered automatically by compojure just use slice.compojure like in the example.
When a slice uses another slice, they are merged. In the example above, jquery is a slice that defines where to get jquery and how to add it to a page.
(slice jquery [& [version]]
(head (page-helpers/include-js
(str "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/" (or version "1.4.2") "/jquery.min.js"))))
Slices in the html of another slice are handled automatically. For more complex combining of slices see the macro dice.
See example.clj for what slices look like in practice.
Slices are assumed to be pure functions and are memoized as are their renderings. If a slice is not pure it needs to be marked with ^{:impure true} and it and slices that use it will not be memoized.
Memoization is turned off by default because it interferes with interactive development. When deploying use:
(slice-memoize! true)
Slices don't need to have an arg list if they take 0 args.
If you're not passing any arguments to a slice, you can omit the enclosing () in render and other slices that use the slice.
You can stack titles.
Dependencies will only be included once.
If you want to combine slices w/o giving them a name you can use the function slices.
Since slices are merged like maps including a form that returns nil in a slice is ok.
- Write js and css to files
- Add header and cookies slices
- custom types with rewriting (add-rewriter :caption (fn [t] (enlive/rewrite :caption :title)))
Allen Rohner
Copyright (C) 2010 Scott Jaderholm
Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v 3.0.