makes consuming media so fast and easy that one might consume too much
Cons is a command line media library primarily for consuming temporary media. Like iTunes but for video, pdfs, and audio. It’s not intended for managing a permanent music/video library. Files can also be removed/added through normal file management tools.
- Ruby
- youtube-dl (recommended if you want to download videos)
- aria2 (recommended not required)
cd ~/src git clone ln -s ~/src/cons/cons ~/bin/cons # or add to PATH cp ~/src/cons/config.default ~/.cons_config.rb $EDITOR ~/.cons_config.rb # setup your apps mkdir ~/Desktop/cons # unless your library already exists
Task | Command |
Show library | cons |
Add item from url | cons |
Play item | cons 0 |
Play item selected from dmenu | cons - |
Replay last item played | cons last |
Consume next new item | cons next |
Remove item | cons rm 0 |
Remove all consumed non-sticky items | cons clean |
Mark item for keepin’ | cons keep 0 |
Add item to queue for later | cons queue |
Retry failed/queued downloads | cons retry |
Add item from file | cons mv ~/video.mp4 |
If you use “-” as an id, such as “cons -” or “cons rm -“, then cons will prompt you for the item using dmenu.
In the file listing there are flags to designate various states. “*” means consumed and “!” means don’t delete.
The id’s listed will persist until you do another listing. So if you remove item 0, item 1 does not become item 0 until you list the library again.
You can leave off the – in options. For example, type “cons keep 0” instead of “cons –keep 0”.
”-” and “last” are special identifiers. Instead of an id, you can use them to interactively choose a file with dmenu or use the last item consumed, respectively. For example, “cons rm -” to choose a file to delete, or “cons keep last” to mark the last item consumed for keeping.
There are a few shortcuts that only work as the first parameter, such as “cons” (shortcut for “cons –url”) and “cons 0” (shortcut for “cons –item 0”)
By default items added to the library are placed under the misc folder. If you would like to put them in a different folder when adding use the –dir option, e.g. “cons –dir youtube –url”
If you use rbrito’s youtube-dl fork (use-other-downloaders branch) then you can use aria2c with 5 (up to 16) concurrent connections.
export cons=~/Desktop/cons cd $cons
Deprecated: Use the integrated dmenu interface instead
They return immediately so the file gets marked as consumed and renamed sometimes before the program has a chance to read it. I haven’t come up with a good solution yet so only use these as last resort.
This is the longest thing I’ve written in ruby. Improvement forks welcome.
Scott Jaderholm < my first name at my last name dot com >