The final project for the Data Science course.
The general topic is to find out something interesting about the alcohol consumption of humans. We will fix a more specific topic and hypothesis once we have an overview of available datasets.
Get and idea of the taste profile of beer.
1.5 Million beer reviews. A lot of info on taste profile. Breweries and name/style of beer are also given. Maybe we can expand it by location etc. Unfortunately only username given as info. We could also add gender, age, location of users (data is available on beeradvocate website). Beer Advocate Reviews
unique id of the brewerybrewery_name
name of the brewerybeer_beerid
unique id of the beerbeer_name
name of the beerbeer_style
style of the beerreview_profilename
profilename of the reviewerreview_time
is given as a UNIX timestampreview_overall
float value between 1 and 5review_aroma
float value between 1 and 5review_appearance
float value between 1 and 5review_palate
float value between 1 and 5review_taste
float value between 1 and 5beer_abv
is alcohol by volume
As there were some information missing, we added some useful columns to the dataset. The added columns are country_plain, country_alpha_3, review_mean and review_count. To get information on the country of the breweries, we wrote a script and extracted this information from the website Beer Advocate. Some of the breweries are already closed (1930: USA, 18968: USA, 1953: USA, 9343: USA, 10099: USA, 3817: NZL, 1549: USA, 10097: USA, 1548: USA, 5379: USA, 5318: USA, 3257: CA, 23980: USA) so we got the information from Wikipedia.
country of the brewerycountry_alpha_3
country code of the breweryreview_mean
mean value of all 5 indivitual review valuesreview_count
number of reviews for each beer
The whole dataset with the column we added can be downloaded here.
- Q1: How do the different ratings and the alcohol content correlate?
- Q2: What is the mean alcohol content overall?
- Q3: How does the detailed distribution of the alcohol content look like?
- Q4: Which countries produce the strongest/weakest beer?
- Q5: What is the most common beer style?
- Q6: How many different beer styles are there?
- Q7: What are the best rated beer styles?
- Q8: How do the beer styles differ in the individual ratings?
- Q9: Which breweries (>500 ratings) produce the best beer?
- Q10: What are the best breweries in each country?
- Q11: What are the best beers overall?
- Q12: How to the indivitual ratings change with the overall rating increasing?
- Q13: What is the best beer in each country?
- Q14: What is the best/worst famous (> 1000 ratings) beer?
- Q15: Which countries produce the best beer?
- Q16: What are the best/worst beers in Austria?
- Q17: What are the most famous beer in Austria (by number of ratings)?
We tried different regression models for our dataset. The results are not that good but this is expected due to the high variance of the ratings. The best result was achieved by the Random Forest Regressor.
As a bonus task, we also implemented the "Beer Machine". It is a self-invented beer recommender system that is based on the correlation between the ratings of individual beers. Similar ratings from similar users lead to high recommendation scores. In the small GUI, the "Beer Machine" can be tested.