#Introduction to socket.io
From the Youtube Video: Getting started with socket.io
Socket.io is a JavaScript library for realtime web apps
npm install socket.io
socket.emit[{String} messageName, {Object} data]
- Emits a message
socket.emit('myData', { key: 'My value' });
socket.on[{String} messageName, {Function} callback]
- Listens for a message to be sent
socket.on('myData', function(data) { console.log(data.key); });
socket.send({Object} data)
- A quick alternative for the emit method. The message's name will always be message
socket.send('Hello world');
socket.set[{String} name, {Object} data, {Function} callback]
- Setter
socket.set('myData', 'My Value', function() { console.log('myData set!'); });
socket.get[{String} name, {Function} callback]
- Getter
socket.get('myData', function(err, data) { console.log(data); });
socket.broadcast.emit({String} messageName, {Object} data)
- Broadcast a message
socket.broadcast.emit('myData', { key: 'My value' });
- Server side :
var io = require('socket.io').listen(80); var task = io.of('customNamespace').on('connection', function(socket) { task.emit('myData', {}); });
- Client side :
var client = io.connect('http://localhost/customNamespace'); client.on('connect', function() { client.on('myData', function(data) { console.log(data) }); });
- Server side :
Emit types from this question: Send response to all clients except sender
// sending to sender-client only
socket.emit('message', "this is a test");
// sending to all clients, include sender
io.emit('message', "this is a test");
// sending to all clients except sender
socket.broadcast.emit('message', "this is a test");
// sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel) except sender
socket.broadcast.to('game').emit('message', 'nice game');
// sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel), include sender
io.in('game').emit('message', 'cool game');
// sending to sender client, only if they are in 'game' room(channel)
socket.to('game').emit('message', 'enjoy the game');
// sending to all clients in namespace 'myNamespace', include sender
io.of('myNamespace').emit('message', 'gg');
// sending to individual socketid
socket.broadcast.to(socketid).emit('message', 'for your eyes only');