"What started as a fun puzzle solving, turned out to by one of my proudest achievements in life."
This is my profile https://leetcode.com/samek571/ on leetcode, just so its backed by both sides.
I started learning algorithms and data structures when I was in sophosmore year in highschool, it took me something less than 2 years to hit 600 solved questions (no copy paste, no gpt since it didnt exist back then). I encountered 2 severe burnouts while solving these (+AOCs).
Enrolled college in Prague where I decided to study this sector, however I was forced to learn C#, so I decided to practice beside the homeworks, hence the c# section. Most of the problems are solved only in one language.
I used solemnly JetBrain IDEs, rest of them is literal trash.
Is a directory containing (implemented) non-fungible ideas that I am especially proud of, since no-one can google it up within few seconds and it took me great piece of time to "invent".