#Observable object with INotifyPropertyChanged implemented
#Char extensions UpperKeyToRus(),char.UpperKeyToUkr - recode englesh key to Russian or Ukrainian
#DateTime extensions: BeginOfDay(),EndOfDay(),BeginOfWeek(),EndOfWeek(),BeginOfMonth(), EndOfMonth(),BeginOfYear(),EndOfYear(),Quarter(),BeginOfQuarter(), EndOfQuarter(),WeekOfYear()
#Enum extensions: Description() - get enum description attribute GetEnumDisplayName() - get array Tuple<name,description> GetEnumListWithDescription() - get array Tuple<enum,description>
#MemberInfo extensions: GetCustomAttribute(Type attributeType)
#Period Represents a dates period (start - end)
#UInt128 Represents a 128-bit unsigned integer
3.1.7 - set readonly struct UInt128 3.1.6 - - change Target Framework from 2.0 to 2.1 - add MinValue to UInt128