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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

title: Shard Commands description: published: true date: 2023-03-26T20:24:27.147Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2023-03-26T20:24:23.317Z

This reference guide contains a list of shard commands in Ryzom Core, along with their syntax, arguments, and usage for both players and administrators.

To use the commands in-game, make sure your account is flagged with the appropriate privileges. You can then use the following chat commands depending on your target:

  • On yourself: /a <command>
  • On your target: /b <command>
  • On someone else: /c <target name> <command>

If you want to grant full developer privileges to your account, you can do so by adding :DEV: to the Privilege column of your account in the user table of your nel database. Execute the following SQL query, replacing UId=1 with your account's actual UId value in the database:


The required privileges for each command can be adjusted in code/ryzom/server/data_shard/egs/client_commands_privileges.txt. Command implementation can be found under code/ryzom/server/src/entities_game_service/admin.cpp. {.is-info}

Player Management

Character Information

  • infos, targetInfos, displayInfosOnTarget, checkTargetSP, monitorMissions, stopMonitorMissions, characterMissionDump, logXpGain
Command Target Arguments Privileges Description
changeVar player <var> <val> :DEV:SGM:GM: Change a variable of a player

Inventory and Items

  • createItemInBag, createItemInInv, createItemInTmpInv, createNamedItemInBag, createFullArmorSet, setItemSapLoad
Command Target Arguments Privileges Description
eventSetItemCustomText player <inventory> <slot in inventory> <text> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the custom text of an item; for scroll-like items, it is the text displayed in the help window
eventResetItemCustomText player <inventory> <slot in inventory> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Reset the custom text of an item to an empty string
eventSetItemName player <inventory> <slot in inventory> <literal> <name> TODO Change an item name to a phrase or literal


  • <inventory> (TInventory): bag, pet_animal1, pet_animal2, pet_animal3, pet_animal4, guild, player_room
  • <slot in inventory> (int): 0 to ...
  • <literal> (bool): 1 or 0
  • <name> (string): Phrase name or a literal string, depending on <literal>

Skills and Abilities

  • learnAllBricks, learnAllForagePhrases, learnAllPhrases, learnBrick, unlearnBrick, learnPhrase, setSkillsToMaxValue, addSkillPoints, addXPToSkill

Teleportation and Movement

  • teleport, tpPosFlag, summon, dismiss, root, unroot

Muting and Unmuting

  • mute, unmute, muteUniverse, unmuteUniverse, ignoreTells

Guild Management

Guild Information

  • listGuildMembers, getEventFaction

Guild Members

  • addGuildMember, setGuildLeader, setGuildMemberGrade, guildInvite, updateGuildMembersList

Guild Settings and Configuration

  • renameGuild, setGuildDescription, setGuildMessage, clearGuildMessage, guildMOTD, setGuildChargePoint, addGuildXp

Teleportation and Positioning

  • addPosFlag, delPosFlag, dismiss, listPosFlags, loadFromPDR, loadFromXML, lPosFlags, teleport, tpPosFlag, farTPPush, farTPReturn

Chat and Communication

  • broadcast, mute, muteUniverse, motd, universe, unmute, unmuteUniverse

Missions and Quests

  • failMission, forceTargetToDie, monitorMissions, progressMission, stopMonitorMissions, forceMissionProgress, characterMissionDump, removeMission, addMission

Event Management

  • displayForageRM, displayInfosOnTarget, dodge, execPhrase, executeSabrinaPhrase, parry, resurrected, saveToPDR, saveToXML, setPosFlag
Command Target Arguments Privileges Description
eventCreateNpcGroup N/A <nbBots> <sheet>
[<dispersionRadius=10m>] [<spawnBots=true>]
` [<orientation=random
self -360..360>]<br>[] [] [] [client_sheet]<br>[inVIllage?inOutpost?inStable?inAtys?]`
eventNpcGroupScript bot <script> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Execute a script on an NPC group for an event
eventSetBotName bot <name> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the name of a bot
eventSetBotScale bot <scale in %> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the scale of a bot
eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange bot <range> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the range within which a NPC group becomes aggressive towards players or other entities
eventSetFaunaBotAggroRange bot <not hungry range>
[<hungry range> [<hunting range>]]
:DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the aggro ranges for different states of hunger of a fauna creature
eventResetFaunaBotAggroRange bot N/A :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Reset the aggro range of a fauna creature to its default values
eventSetBotCanAggro bot <can aggro> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Define whether a creature can take aggro for another entity
eventSetBotSheet bot <sheet id> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Change the sheet of a bot
eventSetBotFaction bot ` default` :DEV:SGM:GM:EM:
eventSetBotFameByKill bot ` default` :DEV:SGM:GM:EM:
eventSetBotURL bot [<url>] :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the URL of a bot
eventSetBotURLName bot <name> :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the name of the URL of a bot

Outpost Management

  • outpostBanGuild, outpostBanPlayer, outpostUnbanGuild, outpostUnbanPlayer

NPC and Shop Management

  • displayShopSelector

Ryzom Ring

Command Target Arguments Privileges Description
dssTarget player [<cmd>] N/A Ask the DSS (Dynamic Scenario Service) to perform an AM (Adventure Master) action on the player's target

TODO: Sort, add target, and arguments. See admin.cpp for correct reference. The first argument as listed in the source code is the target (player, bot, ...). {.is-danger}

To be sorted

Command Privileges Description
addGuildMember DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Add a new member to a guild
addGuildXp DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Add XP to a guild
addPetAnimal DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Add a pet animal to a character
addPosFlag DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Add a new position flag
addSkillPoints DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Add skill points of given type (Fight=0, Magic=1, Craft=2, Harvest=3) to a player
addXPToSkill DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Gain experience in the given skill
broadcast DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG: Broadcast a message to all players
changeHairCut DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Change the haircut of a player
changeMode DEV:SGM:GM: Change the mode of a player
checkTargetSP DEV:SGM:GM: Check the skill points of a player
clearEventFaction DEV:SGM:GM: Clear the event faction of a player
clearFriendsList DEV:SGM:GM: Clear the friend list of a player
clearGuildMessage N/A Clear the guild message of the day
clearIgnoreList DEV:SGM:GM: Clear the ignore list of a player
clearIsFriendOfList DEV:SGM:GM: Clear the "is friend of" list of a player
createItemInBag DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Create an item and put it in the player's bag
createItemInInv DEV: Create an item and put it in the given player's inventory
createItemInTmpInv DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Create an item and put it in the player's temporary inventory
createNamedItemInBag DEV:SGM: Create a named item and put it in the player's bag
createFullArmorSet DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Create and equip a player with a chosen full armor set, specifying the race (fyros/matis/zorai/tryker), type (light/medium/heavy) and quality
Command Privileges Description
delPosFlag DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Delete a position flag
dismiss DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: Teleport a player back to their former position (before the last call to summonPlayer)
displayForageRM DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Display forageable raw materials near the player or at a specified position
displayInfosOnTarget DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Display information about the entity target
dodge N/A Set the defense mode to dodge
execPhrase DEV:SGM:GM: Execute a phrase with given bricks
executeSabrinaPhrase DEV:SGM:GM: Execute a Sabrina phrase
failMission DEV:SGM:GM: Force a mission to fail
forceTargetToDie DEV:SGM:GM: Force the entity target to die
getEventFaction DEV:SGM:GM: Get the event faction of a player
giveRespawnPoint DEV:SGM:GM: Give a respawn point to a player
guildInvite N/A Send a guild invite to a player character without distance constraint
guildMOTD N/A Set the guild message of the day (officer and higher-graded guild members only)
ignoreTells DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: Ignore incoming tells
infos DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:EM:EG: Give information about the character
killMob DEV:SGM:GM:EM:EG: Kill the mob that is targeted by the targeted entity
learnAllBricks DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Learn all possible bricks for a player's skill values
learnAllForagePhrases DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Learn all forage phrases starting at a specified index
learnAllPhrases DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Learn all possible phrases for a player's skill values
learnBrick DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Learn a given brick
unlearnBrick DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Unlearn a given brick
learnPhrase DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Learn a phrase and set it at the specified index knownPhraseIndex
listGuildMembers DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Display a list of guild members
listPosFlags DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:EM:EG: List position flags
loadFromPDR DEV:SGM: Load a character from a binary PDR file
loadFromXML DEV:SGM: Load a character from an XML file
Command Privileges Description
logXpGain DEV:SGM:GM: Toggle whether to log xp gain infos for the specified player on or off
lPosFlags DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:EM:EG: List position flags in short format within an optional radius
monitorMissions DEV:SGM:GM: Monitor missions of the given player
motd DEV:SGM:GM:VG: Set the current message of the day
mute DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Mute a user for a specified duration
muteUniverse DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Mute the universe channel for a specified duration
outpostBanGuild DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Ban a guild for an outpost conflict for a specific duration
outpostBanPlayer DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Ban a character for an outpost conflict for a specific duration
outpostUnbanGuild DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Unban a guild for an outpost conflict
outpostUnbanPlayer DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Unban a character for an outpost conflict
parry N/A Set the defense mode to parry
progressMission DEV:SGM:GM: Force mission progression with an optional repeat count
renameGuild DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Rename a guild
renamePlayer DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Rename a player
renamePlayerForEvent DEV:SGM:EM:EG: Temporarily rename a player for an event
Command Privileges Description
resetPowerFlags DEV:SGM:GM: Reset the ineffective aura and power flags for a character
respawnAfterDeath N/A Respawn after death at a valid re-spawn point
resurrected N/A Resurrect a player by giving them some energy
root DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Root a player for a certain amount of time
saveToPDR DEV:SGM: Save a character to a binary PDR file
saveToXML DEV:SGM: Save a character to an XML file
setEventFaction DEV:SGM:GM: Set the event faction of a player
setGMGuild DEV:SGM:GM: Set the current GM guild
setGuildChargePoint DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the charge points of a guild
setGuildDescription DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the description of a guild
setGuildLeader DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the leader of a guild
setGuildMemberGrade DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set the grade of a guild member
setGuildMessage N/A Set the guild message of the day
Command Privileges Description
setItemSapLoad DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set an item's sap load
setPosFlag DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set a position flag
setPvPTag N/A Set a player character's PvP tag to true or false
setSkillsToMaxValue DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Set a player's skills to their maximum value
showCSR DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:EM:EG: Show the CSR title if the player is a CSR
showFBT DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Show the Focus Beta Tester title if the player is an FBT
startEvent DEV:SGM:GM: Start an event with the given name
stopEvent DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Stop a previously started event
stopMonitorMissions DEV:SGM:GM: Stop monitoring missions for the given player
summon DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM: Summon a player in front of the CSR
targetInfos DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Display information on the target
teamInvite N/A Send a team invite to a player character
teleport DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:OBSERVER:EM:EG: Teleport the CSR in front of a player
tpPosFlag DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G:EM:EG: Teleport a player to a position flag
Command Privileges Description
universe DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Enable or disable universe chat mode
unmute DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Unmute a muted user
unmuteUniverse DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Unmute the universe channel
unroot DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG:SG: Stop rooting a player
updateGuildMembersList DEV:SGM:GM: Update the guild member list for members
validateRespawnPoint N/A Validate a respawn point for a player
setPvpClan DEV: Choose a clan for player versus player combat
summonPet N/A Allow a player to summon their pet once
allowSummonPet DEV:SGM:GM: Authorize a player to summon their pet once per pet
displayShopSelector DEV:SGM: Display a shop selector for a non-playable character
addFactionAttackableToTarget DEV: Add the possibility for a player to attack the target for a specified faction
forceMissionProgress DEV: Force mission step progression (for debug purposes only)
savePlayerActiveChar DEV:SGM: Save a player's active character with a specified filename for backup in a specific situation or context
reloadPlayer DEV:SGM: Set the next filename used for loading a character (must be offline and logged in later) or reload an online character to a previous backup or with a specified filename
farTPPush DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG: Teleport to a specific session
farTPReturn DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG: Teleport back to the previous session
characterMissionDump DEV:SGM:GM: Dump the mission list for a character
removeMission DEV:SGM:GM: Remove a mission from a character
addMission DEV:SGM:GM: Add a mission to a character
Variable Privileges Description
Aggro DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: Enable or disable mob aggro for a player
CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Get or set the starting skill values, skill points, and money for a character creation
FBT DEV:SGM:GM:VG:EM: Set or unset a player as a Focus Beta Tester
God DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Enable or disable God mode, which makes a player invulnerable to normal attacks
Invulnerable DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Enable or disable invulnerability to all attacks
ShowFactionChannels DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G: Get or set whether to show or hide faction channels for moderation
HP DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Get or set the current hit points of a player
MaxHP DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Get or set the maximum hit points of a bot
Invisible DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: Get or set whether a player is invisible or visible to others
Money DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Get or set the amount of money a player has
Name DEV:SGM:GM:EM: Get or set the name of a player
Position DEV:SGM:GM:VG:PR:OBSERVER:EM:EG: Get or set the position of a player or bot, or teleport a player to their home location
Priv DEV: Get or set the privilege level of a user
PriviledgePVP DEV:SGM:GM:EM:EG: Enable or disable PVP on a character
RyzomDate DEV:SGM:GM: Get the current Ryzom date
RyzomTime DEV:SGM:GM: Get the current Ryzom time.

See also

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