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Ajout de la possibilité, avec la fonction plotflowbased, d'avoir des domaines issus de cwe et cwe-at sur le même graphe. Voir l'exemple pour plus de détails
JulienBretteville committed Aug 8, 2019
1 parent 1ad46f8 commit 372258e
Showing 4 changed files with 259 additions and 31 deletions.
234 changes: 211 additions & 23 deletions R/graphs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
# remove NOTE data.table
idDayType <- NULL
dataPlot <- .getDataPlotClustering(data[idDayType==dayType], country1, country2, hour)

.makeGraph(dataPlot, data[idDayType==dayType]$TypicalDay, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
typicalDayOnly = typicalDayOnly, ggplot = ggplot, width = width, height = height)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
PLANRaw_details <- NULL
PLAN_details <- NULL
VERT_details <- NULL

if (grepl("ptdf", country1)) {
ctry1 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country1)
} else {
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
## Compute the convex hull from two countries in a data.frame

.getChull <- function(data, country1, country2, hubnameDiff){

# remove NOTE data.table
chull <- NULL

@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
} else {
gg_data <-"", lapply(dates, function(X){

# remove NOTE data.table
size <- NULL
col <- NULL
@@ -253,16 +253,27 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
#' \item Period : hour in the day, between 1 and 24
#' }
#' PLAN is generated in this format with the function \link{getPreprocPlan}
#' @param PLAN2 \code{data.table}, at least ram, Date, Period and two ptdf columns.
#' This argument is optional, default is NULL. You can use it if you want to make
#' comparison between domains from cwe and domains from cwe-at.
#' @param country1 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the x axis (BE, FR, DE, AT or NL)
#' @param country2 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the y axis (BE, FR, DE, AT or NL)
#' @param hours2 \code{character}, optional (default NULL) hours of interest for
#' the graphics of the domains from PLAN2.
#' @param dates2 \code{character}, optional (default NULL) dates of interest for the graphics.
#' of the domains from PLAN2.
#' @param hours \code{character}, hours of interest for the graphics.
#' @param dates \code{character}, dates of interest for the graphics. (All the combinations of dates and hours are )
#' @param dates \code{character}, dates of interest for the graphics.
#' @param domainsNames \code{character} names of the domain(s), used as legend of the graphics.
#' The length of domainsNames has to be the same of the number of combinations of hours and dates
#' @param main \code{character} title of the graph, if NULL, the title will be "Domains country1 - country2"
#' @param hubDrop \code{list}, list of hubs in the ptdf, with the ones which should
#' sustracted to the others as the names of the arrays which themself contain the ones which
#' be sustracted
#' @param hubDrop2 \code{list}, optional (default NULL) list of hubs in the ptdf from PLAN2,
#' with the ones which should
#' sustracted to the others as the names of the arrays which themself contain the ones which
#' be sustracted
#' @param xlim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param ylim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param width \code{character}, for rAmCharts only. Default to "420px" (set to "100/100" for dynamic resize)
@@ -274,9 +285,9 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
#' library(data.table)
#' library(rAmCharts)
#' PLAN <- getPreprocPlan(
#' path_ptdf_matrix_factor = system.file(
#' pathPtdfMatrixFactor = system.file(
#' "testdata/plan_new_version_factor_AT.rds", package = "fbClust"),
#' path_ptdf_matrix_constraint = system.file(
#' pathPtdfMatrixConstraint = system.file(
#' "testdata/plan_new_version_constraint_AT.rds", package = "fbClust"))
#' hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT"))
@@ -289,22 +300,39 @@ clusterPlot <- function(data,
#' hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02", "2018-10-04"), domainsNames = NULL,
#' main = NULL)
#' #Plot two domains from cwe_at and one domain from cwe in the same graphic
#' PLAN2 <- copy(PLAN)
#' PLAN2 <- PLAN2[Date == "2018-10-04"]
#' PLAN2[, ptdfAT := NULL]
#' hubDrop2 <- list("NL" = list("BE", "DE", "FR"))
#' out3 <- plotFlowbased(PLAN, PLAN2 = PLAN2, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE",
#' hubDrop = hubDrop, hubDrop2 = hubDrop2,
#' hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02"),
#' hours2 = c(4), dates2 = c("2018-10-04"),
#' domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL)
#' }
#' @export

plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
hours2 = NULL,
dates2 = NULL,
domainsNames = NULL,
hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
hubDrop2 = NULL,
xlim = c(-10000, 10000),
ylim = c(-10000, 10000),
main = NULL,
width = "420px", height = "410px"){

# remove NOTE data.table
Period <- NULL
Date <- NULL
@@ -323,16 +351,29 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
if(ctry1 == ctry2) {
stop("The countries should be distinct")
hubnames <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN))])
PLAN <- copy(PLAN)
PLAN <- PLAN[Period %in% hours & Date %in% dates]

.ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop, PLAN = PLAN)
PLAN <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN, hubDrop = hubDrop)
comb <- unique(PLAN[, list(Period, Date)])

if (!is.null(PLAN2)) {
hubnames2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN2)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN2))])
PLAN2 <- copy(PLAN2)
PLAN2 <- PLAN2[Period %in% hours2 & Date %in% dates2]
.ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop2, PLAN = PLAN2)
PLAN2 <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN2, hubDrop = hubDrop2)
comb2 <- unique(PLAN2[, list(Period, Date)])
comb <- rbindlist(list(comb, comb2))

#Control arguments
multiPDTF <- (nrow(comb) > 1)

if(length(domainsNames) != 1){
@@ -349,16 +390,22 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
domainsNames <- paste("Date :", comb[, Date], "Hour :", comb[, Period])

VERT <- getVertices(PLAN)
hubnames_vert <- colnames(VERT)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT))]
# hubnames_vert <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(VERT)[grep("ptdf", colnames(VERT))])
hubnameDiff <- hubnames[!(hubnames %in% hubnames_vert)]
# lim <- round(max(VERT[, list(get(ctry1), get(ctry2))])+500, -3)
# xlim <- c(-lim, lim)
# ylim <- c(-lim, lim)

dataToGraph <- .givePlotData(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff)

if(!is.null(PLAN2)) {
VERT2 <- getVertices(PLAN2)
hubnames_vert2 <- colnames(VERT2)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT2))]
hubnameDiff2 <- hubnames2[!(hubnames2 %in% hubnames_vert2)]
} else {
hubnameDiff2 <- NULL

dataToGraph <- .givePlotData(VERT, VERT2, ctry1, ctry2, comb,
domainsNames, hubnameDiff, hubnameDiff2)
rowMax <- max(unlist(lapply(dataToGraph, nrow)))
dataToGraph <- lapply(dataToGraph, function(dta){
@@ -374,8 +421,8 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- paste("Domains", gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "-", gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2))

#Graph creation for more exmples see rAmCharts::runExamples()
graphs <- sapply(1:length(domainsNames), function(X){
amGraph(title = domainsNames[X], balloonText =
@@ -386,7 +433,7 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
bullet = 'circle', xField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry1),
yField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry2),
lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineThickness = 3)

amXYChart(dataProvider = dataToGraph),
@@ -403,7 +450,8 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,

.givePlotData <- function(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff){
.givePlotData <- function(VERT, VERT2, ctry1, ctry2, comb,
domainsNames, hubnameDiff, hubnameDiff2){

res <- lapply(1:nrow(comb), function(X) {
@@ -414,12 +462,152 @@ plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,

period <- comb[X, Period]
date <- comb[X, Date]
data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT[Period == period & Date == date],
ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff))
if (nrow(VERT[Period == period & Date == date]) == 0 &
!is.null(VERT2)) {
data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT2[Period == period & Date == date],
ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff2))
} else {
data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT[Period == period & Date == date],
ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff))


setnames(data, old = c("ptctry", "ptctry2"),
new = paste(domainsNames[X], c(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2))))
# names(dataToGraph)[X:(X+1)]))

# plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
# country1,
# country2,
# hours,
# dates,
# domainsNames = NULL,
# hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
# xlim = c(-10000, 10000),
# ylim = c(-10000, 10000),
# main = NULL,
# width = "420px", height = "410px"){
# # remove NOTE data.table
# Period <- NULL
# Date <- NULL
# #Generate data for plot
# if (grepl("ptdf", country1)) {
# ctry1 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country1)
# } else {
# ctry1 <- country1
# }
# if (grepl("ptdf", country2)) {
# ctry2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country2)
# } else {
# ctry2 <- country2
# }
# if(ctry1 == ctry2) {
# stop("The countries should be distinct")
# }
# hubnames <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN))])
# PLAN <- copy(PLAN)
# PLAN <- PLAN[Period %in% hours & Date %in% dates]
# .ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop, PLAN = PLAN)
# PLAN <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN, hubDrop = hubDrop)
# comb <- unique(PLAN[, list(Period, Date)])
# #Control arguments
# multiPDTF <- (nrow(comb) > 1)
# if(!is.null(domainsNames)){
# if(!multiPDTF){
# if(length(domainsNames) != 1){
# stop("Only one PLAN specified for 2 or more domainsNames")
# }
# }else{
# if(length(domainsNames) != nrow(comb)){
# stop(paste0("You must have one domainsNames specified by combination of hours and time, currently you have ",
# length(domainsNames), " domainsNames specify for ",
# nrow(comb), " PLAN"))
# }
# }
# }
# if(is.null(domainsNames)){
# domainsNames <- paste("Date :", comb[, Date], "Hour :", comb[, Period])
# }
# VERT <- getVertices(PLAN)
# hubnames_vert <- colnames(VERT)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT))]
# # hubnames_vert <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(VERT)[grep("ptdf", colnames(VERT))])
# hubnameDiff <- hubnames[!(hubnames %in% hubnames_vert)]
# # lim <- round(max(VERT[, list(get(ctry1), get(ctry2))])+500, -3)
# # xlim <- c(-lim, lim)
# # ylim <- c(-lim, lim)
# dataToGraph <- .givePlotData(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff)
# rowMax <- max(unlist(lapply(dataToGraph, nrow)))
# dataToGraph <- lapply(dataToGraph, function(dta){
# if(nrow(dta)<rowMax){
# Na <- data.frame(rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)),
# rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)))
# names(Na) <- names(dta)
# rbind(dta,Na)
# }else{
# dta
# }
# })
# dataToGraph <-, dataToGraph)
# if (is.null(main)) {
# main <- paste("Domains", gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "-", gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2))
# }
# #Graph creation for more exmples see rAmCharts::runExamples()
# graphs <- sapply(1:length(domainsNames), function(X){
# amGraph(title = domainsNames[X], balloonText =
# paste0('<b>',domainsNames[X],'<br>',
# paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry1)),
# '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',
# paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2)), '</b> :[[y]]'),
# bullet = 'circle', xField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry1),
# yField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry2),
# lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineThickness = 3)
# pipeR::pipeline(
# amXYChart(dataProvider = dataToGraph),
# addTitle(text = main),
# setGraphs(graphs),
# setChartCursor(),
# addValueAxes(title = paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = xlim[1],
# maximum = xlim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
# addValueAxes(title = paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2), "(MW)"), minimum = ylim[1],
# maximum = ylim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
# setExport(enabled = TRUE),
# setLegend(enabled = TRUE),
# plot(width = width, height = height)
# )
# }
# .givePlotData <- function(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff){
# res <- lapply(1:nrow(comb), function(X) {
# # remove NOTE data.table
# Period <- NULL
# Date <- NULL
# period <- comb[X, Period]
# date <- comb[X, Date]
# data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT[Period == period & Date == date],
# ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff))
# setnames(data, old = c("ptctry", "ptctry2"),
# new = paste(domainsNames[X], c(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2))))
# # names(dataToGraph)[X:(X+1)]))
# data
# })
# }

39 changes: 34 additions & 5 deletions man/plotFlowbased.Rd
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion tests/testthat/test-graphs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ test_that("clusterPlot", {
out2 <- plotFlowbased(PLAN, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", hubDrop = hubDrop,
hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02", "2018-10-04"), domainsNames = NULL,
main = NULL)
expect_true("htmlwidget" %in% class(out))
expect_true("htmlwidget" %in% class(out2))

PLAN, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", hubDrop = hubDrop, hours = c(3, 4),
@@ -68,6 +68,17 @@ test_that("clusterPlot", {
regexp = "Only one PLAN specified for 2 or more domainsNames", fixed = T)

PLAN2 <- copy(PLAN)
PLAN2 <- PLAN2[Date == "2018-10-04"]
PLAN2[, ptdfAT := NULL]
hubDrop2 <- list("NL" = list("BE", "DE", "FR"))
out3 <- plotFlowbased(PLAN, PLAN2 = PLAN2, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE",
hubDrop = hubDrop, hubDrop2 = hubDrop2,
hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02"),
hours2 = c(4), dates2 = c("2018-10-04"),
domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL)
expect_true("htmlwidget" %in% class(out3))


4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions vignettes/fbClustVignette.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ If you have used the function **getPreprocPlan**, you can visualize flowbased do

# Example with one plot
plotFlowbased(PLAN, "FR", "DE", hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
plotFlowbased(PLAN = PLAN, country1 = "FR", country2 = "DE", hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
hours = 2, dates = "2018-10-03", domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL, width = "100%", height = "640px")

# Example with four plots
plotFlowbased(PLAN, "BE", "NL", hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
plotFlowbased(PLAN = PLAN, country1 = "BE", country2 = "NL", hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02", "2018-10-04"), domainsNames = NULL,
main = NULL, width = "100%", height = "640px", xlim = c(-12000, 12000), ylim = c(-12000, 12000))

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