Run local:
docker-compose up --build
Run tests:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up --build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run app-test pytest -s -v
docker-compose exec app sh
alembic init -t async migrations # init
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "X_Add model" # create migrate
alembic upgrade head # apply
alembic downgrade 8ac14e223d1 # down
alembic downgrade base # This command will undo all migrations
- Employee - salon staff
- Client - users of salon
- Category - salon services are divided into categories
- Service_name - beauty salon services
- Offer - Each salon employee must complete the services that he can provide
- Order - The client can reserve a specific offer for a specific time
- each entity has a simple API
- there are API with a full set of information
- /offer/full/{ifilter}/{pk}/
- /order/full/{ifilter}/{pk}/?page=1
- service API, for the initial filling of the database: /init-stub/
- Statistic API: /order/stats/{ifilter}/
- Choose category: GET /category/
- Choose choice of specific service: GET /service/
- Getting a list of employees for a service: GET /offer/full/service_name/1/
- Booking of specific service: POST /offer/
- Payment/Cancel of specific order: POST /order/payment/{pk}/ or DELETE /order/id/
- Viewing Your Reservations /order/full/client/1/?page=1
- Add your offer of specific service: POST /offer/
- Getting a list of offers: GET /offer/full/employee/1/
- Block non-working hours: POST /offer/
- Cancel of specific order: DELETE /order/id/
- Viewing Your Reservations /order/full/employee/1/?page=1