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A Dark Mode

Versions after 2.0.0 : Reskins minecraft and most mods' guis to a dark theme. Releases can be found on Curseforge.

Versions before 2.0.0 : Adds additional mod support to A Dark Mode, by TheGoldenProof. Releases can be found here.

Supported mods (as of 2.3.0) :

  1. AbyssalCraft
  2. Actually Additions
  3. Advanced Generators
  4. Advanced Rocketry
  5. AE Additions
  6. AE2 Craftin Tree - Legacy
  7. AE2 Fluid Crafting Reworked
  8. AE2 Stuff
  9. Applied Energistics 2
  10. Aetheworks
  11. ArchitectureCraft
  12. Applied Energistics & Unofficial Extended Life
  13. Agricraft
  14. Alchemistry
  15. Arcane Archives
  16. Arcane World
  17. Astral Sorcery
  18. Atum 2
  19. Auximlium Equivalence
  20. Avaritia
  21. Avaritia Addons
  22. Backpacked
  23. Baubles
  24. Baubley Heart Canisters
  25. Better Advancements
  26. Better P2P
  27. Better Questing
  28. Better Tabs
  29. Bewitchment
  30. Botania
  31. Bibliocraft
  32. Bigger Crafting Tables
  33. Blood Arsenal
  34. Blood Magic
  35. Brandon's Core
  36. Bring Me The Rings!
  37. Bubbles
  38. Builcraft
  39. Building Gadgets
  40. Bundles Backport
  41. Calculator
  42. CC:Tweaked
  43. Chicken Chunks
  44. Chickens
  45. Chisel
  46. Chisel and Bits
  47. Cofh
  48. Colossal Chests
  49. Compact Machines
  50. Compact Solars
  51. Compact Storage
  52. Construct's Armory
  53. Cooking for Blockheads
  54. Corpse
  55. Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  56. Crafting Slots
  57. Crafting Tweaks
  58. Cucumber
  59. Custom Main Menu
  60. Cyclic
  61. CyclopsCore
  62. Dark Utilities
  63. Dense Neutron Collectors
  64. Deep Mob Learning/Evolution
  65. Defiled Lands
  66. Demagnetize
  67. Divine RPG
  68. Draconic Additions
  69. Draconic Evolution
  70. Dynamistics
  71. Electroblob's Wizardry
  72. Embers : UEL
  73. End:Reborn
  74. EnderCore
  75. EnderIO
  76. Ender Utilities
  77. Equivalent Integrations
  78. Equivalent Storage
  79. EvilCraft
  80. Ex Compressum
  81. Ex Nihilo Creatio
  82. Expandable Inventory
  83. Extended Crafitng
  84. Extra Bees
  85. Extra Cells
  86. Extra Utilities
  87. Extreme Reactors
  88. Extreme Sound Muffler
  89. Factory0-Resources (standardizes textures)
  90. Farming for Blockheads
  91. Flat Colored Blocks
  92. Fluid Interaction Tweaker
  93. Flux Networks
  94. Forestry
  95. Fossil and Archeology: Revival
  96. Freetrading
  97. FTBQuests
  98. FutureMC
  99. Galacticraft Legacy
  100. Gambling Style
  101. Gendustry
  102. Gendustry JEI Addon
  103. Gregtech
  104. Hatchery
  105. Ice and fire
  106. Industrialcraft 2
  107. Industrial Foregoing
  108. Inspirations
  109. Integrated Dynamics
  110. Integrated NBT
  111. Integrated Proxy
  112. Integrated Terminals
  113. Integrated Tunnels
  114. Inventory Bogo Sorter
  115. InWorldCrafting
  116. Iron Backpacks
  117. Iron Chests
  118. Item Collectors
  119. JEI Bees
  120. JEI Utilities
  121. Just Enough Bees
  122. Just Enough Calculation
  123. Just Enough Items
  124. Just Enough Magiculture
  125. Just Enough Pattern Banners
  126. Just Enough Reactors
  127. Just Enough Recipe Integrations (1.1.2)
  128. Just Enough Resources
  129. Just Enough Throwing in Fluids
  130. Just Enough Villagers
  131. Lazy AE2
  132. LibVulpes
  133. LightningCraft
  134. Logistics Bridge
  135. Loot Bags
  136. Mahou Tsukai
  137. Mantle
  138. Mechanics - Crafting Ways
  139. Metal Chests
  140. Mekanism
  141. Minecraft
  142. Minor Integration and Additions
  143. Mob Grinding Utils
  144. Modular Diversity
  145. Modular Machinery & Community Edition (2.1.4+)
  146. Modular Magic
  147. Modular Routers
  148. More Refined Storage
  149. MoreTweaker
  150. Mowzie's mobs
  151. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod
  152. Multiblocked
  153. Mystical Agriculture
  154. Mystical Agradditions
  155. Mystical Creations
  156. Neeve's Applied Energistics 2 Extended Life Additions
  157. Not Enough Energistics
  158. Not Enough Items
  159. No Tree Punching
  160. Nuclearcraft : Overhauled
  161. Nutrition
  162. OpenBlocks
  163. OpenComputers
  164. OpenMods
  165. Overloaded
  166. PackagedAstral
  167. PackagedAuto
  168. PackagedAvaritia
  169. PackagedDraconic
  170. PackagedExCrafting
  171. PackagedThaumic
  172. Patchouli
  173. Planet Progression
  174. PlusTiC
  175. Pneumaticraft
  176. Pollution of the Realms
  177. Practical Logistics 2
  178. ProjectE
  179. ProjectEx
  180. ProjectRed
  181. Psi
  182. QMD
  183. Quantum Flux
  184. Quantum Storage
  185. Quark
  186. Railraft
  187. Random Things
  188. RandomTweaker
  189. Rats : RotN edition
  190. Reborn Storage
  191. Rechisiled
  192. Refined Avaritia
  193. Refined Relocation
  194. Refined Storage
  195. Refined Storage Large Patterns
  196. Refined Storage : Requestify
  197. RSInfiniteWireless
  198. Reliquary Reincarnations
  199. Renaissance Core
  200. Requious Frakto
  201. RFTools
  202. RFTools Control
  203. RFTools Dimensions
  204. Roost
  205. Roots
  206. Roughly Enough Immersive Multiblocks
  207. Rustic
  208. Scannable
  209. Scavenge
  210. Security Craft
  211. Simple Storage Network
  212. Simple Voice Chat
  213. Simply Backpacks
  214. Simply Jetpacks 2
  215. Single Spot Chest
  216. Solar Flux Reborn
  217. Soot
  218. Spell Bundle (Electroblob's Wizardry)
  219. Storage Drawers
  220. Storage Tech
  221. Super Factory Manager
  222. TARDIS
  223. Tesms Mod
  224. Tesla Core Lib
  225. Techguns
  226. Tech Reborn
  227. Thaumcraft
  228. Thaumcraft 6 aspects for JEI
  229. Thaumic Addition
  230. Thaumic Augmentation
  231. Thaumic Energistics
  232. Thaumic JEI
  233. Thaumic Terminal
  234. Thaumic Tinkerer
  235. Thermal Dynamics
  236. Thermal Expansion
  237. The Aether
  238. The Betweenlands
  239. Tinkers' Construct
  240. Tinker's Complement
  241. Tinker IO
  242. Tiny Mob Farm
  243. Tiny Progressions
  244. TorchMaster
  245. Trash Cans
  246. Trash Slot
  247. Traveler's Backpack
  248. Treasure 2
  249. Tropicraft
  250. Twilight Forest
  251. ValkyrieLib
  252. Wireless Crafting Terminal
  253. Woot
  254. Wireless Redstons CBE
  255. Xnet

If you feel a mod is missing, PRs are extremely welcome (be sure to follow color palette). If not, you can make an issue


Reskins minecraft and some mods to a dark mode






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