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@rjaros rjaros released this 30 Jan 14:20
· 38 commits to main since this release
  • Upgraded dependencies (Kotlin 2.1.10, Compose 1.8.0-alpha02, Dokka 2.0.0, Kilua RPC 0.0.26, atomicfu 0.27.0, Coroutines 1.10.1, Serialization 1.8.0, Javalin 6.4.0, Jooby 3.6.0, Ktor 3.0.3, Koin 4.1.0-Beta5, Koin annotations 2.0.0-RC1, Micronaut 4.7.4, Spring Boot 3.4.2, Vert.x 5.0.0.CR4, Shadow 9.0.0-beta6, gradle-plugin-publish 1.3.1, logback 1.5.16, Kaml 0.67.0, Kilua assets 0.0.18, Fontawesome 6.7.2, Trix 2.1.12, Tabulator 6.3.1, Tom Select 2.4.2 marked 15.0.6, sanitize-html 2.14.0, postcss 8.5.1, Tailwindcss 4.0.1, Gradle 8.12.1)
  • New kilua-jetpack module with implementation of base Jetpack Compose like API, including Row, Column, Box, Arrangement, Alignment, Modifier and adaptive layouts (with breakpoints for TailwindCSS and Bootstrap) (#22) (thanks to @ghasemdev)
  • Workaround overlapping selection text and caret inside the TomSelect component (#23)
  • Make setup functions for lazy columns/rows composable
  • Better support for accessing resources content
  • Change default value of the allowInputToggle property of the DateTime component to false
  • Add methods to show and hide DateTime popup. Automatically hide popup on blur event.
  • Make dropdown button and menu more configurable
  • Support visibility CSS property
  • Refactor SSR/export process configuration