pvCloud is a cloud system for the Internet of the Things that aims to enable makers to quickly prototype and share their inventions in a social network fashion in a simple manner.
The current status of the project is 'in development' and no BETA or PROD release has been done yet. But you can look into the code, fork it, make use of it on your own risk according to the licence.
I expect to have a more formal "1.0" release soon, perhaps by January 2016 for academic purposes.
pvCloud's Architecture includes the following main components:
- pvCloud Web UI
- pvCloud ESV API Driver
- pvCloud ARDUINO Library
Additionally we are working on some demos that use pvCloud on specific inventions.
You can find information about development design decisions here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eHB2fyl1IvfC2S5gruYiLurjTzhedpxlufUTa_RU1nU/edit?usp=sharing
Also, these slides contain information about how to setup the development environment: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eHB2fyl1IvfC2S5gruYiLurjTzhedpxlufUTa_RU1nU/edit#slide=id.g7b18c22b1_017
Finally this document explains how to install GIT/YEOMAN/ANGULAR environment for development and how to set proxies if needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UkCnmIk79wvz8NKpM1YVuDrUKy2k-BFrJUX4LkfvW-A/edit?usp=sharing