A Django template-tag that provides a fortune.
{% load fortune_tags %}
{% fortune %}
$ python manage.py fortune # Get a fortune.
Fortunes will improve after loading some. # Oops, no fortunes loaded.
$ python manage.py fortune_list_packs # List available fortune packs.
-- Installed: --
-- Available: --
$ python manage.py fortune_load_pack art # Load art fortunes.
$ python manage.py fortune # Get an art fortune.
"My life is a soap opera, but who has the rights?"
-- Madame
$ python manage.py fortune_unload_pack art # Unload art fortunes.
$ python manage.py fortune # No fortunes available again. :-(
Fortunes will improve after loading some.
$ python manage.py shell
>>> from fortune.models import Fortune, Pack
>>> Fortune.fortune()
'Fortunes will improve after loading some.'
>>> from fortune import utils
>>> fortunes_path = utils.get_fortunes_path()
>>> art_fortunes_path = fortunes.path.joinpath("art")
>>> Pack.load(str(art_fortunes_path))
>>> Fortune.fortune()
u"\nThey can't stop us... we're on a mission from God!\n\t\t-- The Blues Brother"
>>> art_fortunes = Pack.objects.get(name="art".title())
>>> art_fortunes.unload()
>>> Fortune.fortune()
'Fortunes will improve after loading some.'
Install using pip;
$ pip install django-fortune
then add "fortune" to INSTALLED_APPS in your app's settings.py.