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1 Features

Andrzej Zielezinski edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

💎 Accurate ANI calculations

Vclust uses a Lempel-Ziv-based pairwise sequence aligner (LZ-ANI) for ANI calculation. LZ-ANI achieves high sensitivity in detecting matched and mismatched nucleotides, ensuring accurate ANI determination. Its efficiency comes from a simplified indel handling model, making LZ-ANI magnitudes faster than alignment-based tools (e.g., BLASTn, MegaBLAST) while maintaining comparable accuracy to the most sensitive BLASTn searches.

📐 Multiple similarity measures

Vclust offers multiple similarity measures between two genome sequences:

  • ANI: The number of identical nucleotides across local alignments divided by the total length of the alignments.
  • Global ANI (gANI): The number of identical nucleotides across local alignments divided by the length of the query/reference genome.
  • Total ANI (tANI): The number of identical nucleotides between query-reference and reference-query genomes divided by the sum length of both genomes. tANI is equivalent to the VIRIDIC's intergenomic similarity.
  • Coverage (alignment fraction): The proportion of the query/reference sequence aligned with the reference/query sequence.
  • Number of local alignments: The number of local alignments between the two genome sequences.
  • Ratio between genome lengths: The length of the shorter genome divided by the longer one.

🌟 Multiple clustering algorithms

Vclust provides six clustering algorithms tailored to various scenarios, including taxonomic classification and dereplication of viral genomes.

  • Single-linkage
  • Complete-linkage
  • CD-HIT (Greedy incremental)
  • Greedy set cover (adopted from MMseqs2)
  • Leiden algorithm [optional]

🔥 Speed and efficiency

Vclust uses three efficient C++ tools - Kmer-db, LZ-ANI, Clusty - for prefiltering, aligning, calculating ANI, and clustering viral genomes. This combination enables the processing of millions of virus genomes within a few hours on a mid-range workstation.

🌎 Web service

For datasets containing up to 1000 viral genomes, Vclust is available at