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Sweet Security Cloud for FREE

xmaster edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 3 revisions

This page will guide how to migrate to minimal working sweet security system with minimal cost and maximum performance.

Implementation principles:

  1. Using hosted ELK solutions to show and alert on the BroIDS logs
  2. Minimal managemnt console to control the devices


  1. A local RPI
  2. A GCP micro instance (always free instance even after the trial expires)
  3. An ELK hosted account (can be a free account)

Changes required for that:

  1. Install normally (RPI + SMALL instance in GCP) - See the sweet security WIKI for that
  2. Change logstash to send data to a free ELK service (for example
  3. Open a free hosted Elastic instance (For example in
  4. Migrate Elastic indexes [sweet_security, sweet_security_alerts, tardis] to the new hosted cluster. Use elasticdump for the migration
  5. Change the ES connection under the files in /var/www/ to point to the new ES cluster
  6. Stop and disable the following services: elasticsearch, kibana, sweet_security_server
  7. Stop the GCP instance
  8. Change GCP instance to micro and start it

Issues: the Baseliner (which feeds the tardis index in the ES) will not work, as a result the following will not work

  • Alerts
  • Baseline information in devices
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