- Make a differential drive robot in Gazebo Simulation with a stereo camera mounted on top
- The robot should be controlled from keyboard
- Then corresponding 3D points of what robot sees should be plotted in Rviz
Make sure you have ROS installed.
2 ROS packages should be pre installed:
- stereo_image_proc
- image_view
You can check the availability of package using:
- rospack list | grep stereo_image_proc
- rospack list | grep image_view
Install them if packages are not found.
Clone this repository or just download the zip file and extract
Inside the downloaded folder run : catkin_make (for the first time only)
Inside the downloaded folder run rskbot_run.sh script (i.e ./rskbot_run.sh )
Press the following keys inside the terminal to move around:
| u | i | o | | j | k | l | | m | , | . |