Table of contents:
- auto-gen TOC: {:toc}
- mocking final classes and methods (via inlining)
- pure Kotlin mocking DSL
- matchers partial specification
- chained calls
- matcher expressions
- mocking coroutines
- capturing lambdas
- extension function mocking
- kotlin-fullstack-sample project covered with tests
All you need to get started is just to add a dependency to MockK
Tool | Instruction |
![]() |
  testCompile "io.mockk:mockk:1.5.6" |
![]() |
<dependency> <groupId>io.mockk</groupId> <artifactId>mockk</artifactId> Â Â <version>1.5.6</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> |
Just in case agent can not be loaded at runtime you can launch it at JVM startup.
Tool | Instruction |
![]() |
Add agent gradle plugin.
Use following agent:
![]() |
Add dependency:properties plugin.
Configure maven surefire plugin:
See example here |
![]() |
Add JVM parameter to launch agent(remove spaces):
Simplest example:
val car = mockk<Car>()
every { } returns Outcome.OK // returns OK
verify { }
You can mix both regular arguments and matchers:
class MockedClass {
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val obj = mockk<MockedClass>()
every { obj.sum(1, eq(2)) } returns 5
obj.sum(1, 2) // returns 5
verify { obj.sum(eq(1), 2) }
You can stub chains of calls:
class MockedClass1 {
fun op1(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
class MockedClass2 {
fun op2(c: Int, d: Int): MockedClass1 = ...
val obj = mockk<MockedClass2>()
every { obj.op2(1, eq(2)).op1(3, any()) } returns 5
obj.op2(1, 2) // returns child mock
obj.op2(1, 2).op1(3, 22) // returns 5
verify { obj.op2(1, 2).op1(3, 22) }
In case function return type is generic the information about actual type is erased.
To make chained calls work additional information is required.
Most of the times framework will catch the cast exception and do autohinting
But in the case it is explicitly needed just place hint
before calls.
every { obj.op2(1, eq(2)).hint(Int::class).op1(3, any()) } returns 5
You can capture an argument to a CapturingSlot
or MutableList
class MockedClass {
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val obj = mockk<MockedClass>()
val slot = slot<Int>()
val lst = mutableListOf<Int>()
every { obj.sum(1, capture(slot)) } answers { 2 + slot.captured }
every { obj.sum(2, capture(lst)) } answers { 3 + lst.captured() }
obj.sum(1, 2) // returns 4
obj.sum(2, 3) // returns 6
verify { obj.sum(1, 2) }
verify { obj.sum(2, 3) }
You can check call count with atLeast
, atMost
or exactly
class MockedClass {
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val obj = mockk<MockedClass>()
val lst = mutableListOf<Int>()
every {
obj.sum(any(), capture(lst))
} answers {
1 + firstArg<Int>() + lst.captured()
obj.sum(1, 2) // returns 4
obj.sum(1, 3) // returns 5
obj.sum(2, 2) // returns 5
verify(atLeast=3) { obj.sum(any(), any()) }
verifies that all calls happened without checking it's order.
verifies that the exact sequence happened and verifyOrder
that calls happened in order.
wasNot Called
verifies that mock or list of mocks was not called at all.
class MockedClass {
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val obj = mockk<MockedClass>()
val slot = slot<Int>()
every {
obj.sum(any(), capture(slot))
} answers {
1 + firstArg<Int>() + slot.captured
obj.sum(1, 2) // returns 4
obj.sum(1, 3) // returns 5
obj.sum(2, 2) // returns 5
verifyAll {
obj.sum(1, 3)
obj.sum(1, 2)
obj.sum(2, 2)
verifySequence {
obj.sum(1, 2)
obj.sum(1, 3)
obj.sum(2, 2)
verifyOrder {
obj.sum(1, 2)
obj.sum(2, 2)
val obj2 = mockk<MockedClass>()
val obj3 = mockk<MockedClass>()
verify {
listOf(obj2, obj3) wasNot Called
If the method is returning Unit(i.e. no return value) you
still need to specify null
return value:
class MockedClass {
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {
println(a + b)
val obj = mockk<MockedClass>()
// all 3 are actually acceptable and doing the same
every { obj.sum(any(), 1) } answers { nothing }
every { obj.sum(any(), 2) } returns null
every { obj.sum(any(), 3) } just Runs
obj.sum(1, 1)
obj.sum(1, 2)
obj.sum(1, 3)
verify {
obj.sum(1, 1)
obj.sum(1, 2)
obj.sum(1, 3)
To mock coroutines you need to add dependency to the support library.
Gradle |
testCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:x.x" |
Maven |
<dependency> <groupId>org.jetbrains.kotlinx</groupId> <artifactId>kotlinx-coroutines-core</artifactId> <version>x.x</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> |
Then you can use coEvery
, coVerify
, coMatch
, coAssert
, coRun
, coAnswers
or coInvoke
to mock suspend methods
val car = mockk<Car>()
coEvery { } returns Outcome.OK // returns OK
coVerify { }
There a 3 cases of extension function:
- class wide
- object wide
- module wide
In case of object and class you can mock extension function just by creating
regular mockk
data class Obj(val value: Int)
class Ext {
fun Obj.extensionFunc() = value + 5
with(mockk<Ext>()) {
every {
} returns 11
assertEquals(11, Obj(5).extensionFunc())
verify {
To mock module wide extension function you need to build staticMockk(...) with argument specifying module class name. For example "pkg.FileKt" for module "File.kt" in "pkg" package
data class Obj(val value: Int)
// declared in File.kt ("pkg" package)
fun Obj.extensionFunc() = value + 5
staticMockk("pkg.FileKt").use {
every {
} returns 11
assertEquals(11, Obj(5).extensionFunc())
verify {
Adding additional behaviours via interfaces and stubbing them:
val spy = spyk(System.out, moreInterfaces = Runnable::class)
every {
(spy as Runnable).run()
} answers {
(self as PrintStream).println("Run! Run! Run!")
val thread = Thread(spy as Runnable)
Here are few tables helping to master the DSL.
By default simple arguments are matched using eq()
Matcher | Description |
any() |
matches any argument |
allAny() |
special matcher that uses any() instead of eq() for matchers that are provided as simple arguments |
isNull() |
checks if values is null |
isNull(inverse=true) |
checks if values is not null |
ofType(type) |
checks if values belongs to the type |
match { it.startsWith("string") } |
matches via passed predicate |
coMatch { it.startsWith("string") } |
matches via passed coroutine predicate |
matchNullable { it?.startsWith("string") } |
matches nullable value via passe predicate |
coMatchNullable { it?.startsWith("string") } |
matches nullable value via passed coroutine predicate |
eq(value) |
matches if value is equal to the provided via deepEquals method |
refEq(value) |
matches if value is equal to the provided via reference comparation |
cmpEq(value) |
matches if value is equal to the provided via compareTo method |
less(value) |
matches if value is less to the provided via compareTo method |
more(value) |
matches if value is more to the provided via compareTo method |
less(value, andEquals=true) |
matches if value is less or equals to the provided via compareTo method |
more(value, andEquals=true) |
matches if value is more or equals to the provided via compareTo method |
and(left, right) |
combines two matchers via logical and |
or(left, right) |
combines two matchers via logical or |
not(matcher) |
negates the matcher |
capture(slot) |
captures a value to a CapturingSlot |
capture(mutableList) |
captures a value to a list |
captureNullable(mutableList) |
captures a value to a list together with null values |
captureLambda() |
captures lambda |
captureCoroutine() |
captures coroutine |
invoke(...) |
calls matched argument |
coInvoke(...) |
calls matched argument for coroutine |
hint(cls) |
hints next return type in case it's got erased |
Few special matchers available in verification mode only:
Matcher | Description |
run { code } |
matches any value and allows to execute some code |
runNullable { code } |
matches any nullable value and allows to execute some code |
coRun { code } |
matches any value and allows to execute some coroutine code |
coRunNullable { code } |
matches any nullable value and allows to execute some coroutine code |
assert(msg) { predicate } |
matches any value and checks the assertion |
assertNullable(msg) { predicate } |
matches any nullable value and checks the assertion |
coAssert(msg) { predicate } |
matches any value and checks the coroutine assertion |
coAssertNullable(msg) { predicate } |
matches any nullable value and checks the coroutine assertion |
Validator | Description |
verify { } |
Do unordered verification that call were performed |
verify(inverse=true) { } |
Do unordered verification that call were not performed |
verify(atLeast=n) { } |
Do unordered verification that call were performed at least n times |
verify(atMost=n) { } |
Do unordered verification that call were performed at most n times |
verify(exactly=n) { } |
Do unordered verification that call were performed at exactly n times |
verifyAll { mock.call1(); mock.call2() } |
Do unordered verification that only the specified calls were executed for mentioned mocks |
verifyOrder { mock.call1(); mock.call2() } |
Do verification that sequence of calls went one after another |
verifySequence { mock.call1(); mock.call2() } |
Do verification that only the specified sequence of calls were executed for mentioned mocks |
verify { mock wasNot Called } |
Do verification that mock was not called |
verify { listOf(mock1, mock2) wasNot Called } |
Do verification that list of mocks were not called |
Answer | Description |
returns value |
specify that matched call returns one specified value |
returnsMany list |
specify that matched call returns value from the list, returning each time next element |
throws ex |
specify that matched call throws an exception |
answers { code } |
specify that matched call answers with code block scoped with answer scope |
coAnswers { code } |
specify that matched call answers with coroutine code block with answer scope |
answers answerObj |
specify that matched call answers with Answer object |
answers { nothing } |
specify that matched call answers null |
just Runs |
specify that matched call is returning Unit (returns null) |
Parameter | Description |
call |
a call object that consists of invocation and matcher |
invocation |
contains information regarding actual method invoked |
matcher |
contains information regarding matcher used to match invocation |
self |
reference the object invocation made |
method |
reference to the method invocation made |
args |
reference to arguments of invocation |
nArgs |
number of invocation argument |
arg(n) |
n-th argument |
firstArg() |
first argument |
secondArg() |
second argument |
thirdArg() |
third argument |
lastArg() |
last argument |
captured() |
the last element in the list for convenience when capturing to the list |
lambda<...>().invoke() |
call captured lambda |
coroutine<...>().coInvoke() |
call captured coroutine |
nothing |
null value for returning nothing as an answer |
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