v 1.0.0
- Html, CSS, JavaScript
- Front End - ReactJS
- Back - End - NodeJS
- Styles - TailWindCSS
Currency Conversion: Easily convert currency rates or amounts from one currency to another effortlessly. Our application provides a seamless and intuitive interface for hassle-free currency conversions.
Historical Conversion: Perform conversions for any selected date starting from January 1, 2000. This feature allows you to track and analyze historical currency rates and amounts, providing valuable insights into currency trends over time.
Below website is used to fetched historical and current data to the server. https://openexchangerates.org/
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition
Clone the repository:
Go to inside the client directory:
cd client
install Dependencies:
npm install
Run the app:
npm run dev
Open a separate terminal:
Go to inside the server directory:
cd server
Install Dependencies
npm install
run the project
npm start
Access the Application: After starting the application, you can access it through your web browser or any other specified means. By default, a Node.js application might run on http://localhost:5050 or a different port specified in the project.
Open your browser and navigate to the appropriate URL.
- Email- mailto:[email protected]
- Linkedin-https://www.linkedin.com/in/randeera/
- GitHub-https://github.com/randeera
- Linkedin-https://www.linkedin.com/in/randeera/
This application is licensed under this License
Copyright © 2023 | Kaveendra Randeera | All Rights Reserved.