A curated list of awesome Snowpack resources
Snowpack is a post-install tool. It runs after npm install, and it essentially exists to convert your npm packages (in your node_modules/
directory) into JS files that run in the browser without a bundler (written to a web_modules/
- Tree-Shaking without a Bundler? Here's how Snowpack Does It!
- @Pika/web Frees Modern Web Development from the Complexity of Package Building
- Building without bundling: How to do more with less
- CSSTricks: Snowpack
- My first experience of using Snowpack
- HackerNews: Snowpack: Build a web application without a bundler
- Snowpack Releases 1.0
- Snowpack with React by Ryan Lanciaux
- In 2020, go bundler free
- Discovering Snowpack
- DinosaurJS 2019: Pika: Reimagining the Registry by Fred K. Schott
- Pika Web: a new way to build Web Applications. Now renamed to Snowpack!
- Snowpack with React: An awesome way to build web applications
- @pika/web and a brief history of ES modules && Composition, Context (API), & Prop Drilling
- A basic, three-dependency project: [Source] [Live Demo]
- To-do app with server-side render (Preact + HTM + Express): [Source] [Live Demo]
- Terminal Homepage (Preact + Typescript + Babel): [Source] [Live Demo]
- Electron (using Three.js): [Source]
- TypeScript (using Preact): [Source] [Live Demo]
- Vue (using httpVueLoader): [Source] [Live Demo] [By: @thiagoabreu]
- Vue (using JSX): [Source] [Live Demo] [By: @unclejustin]
- PWA-Starter-Kit (lit-html + Redux): [Source]
- LitElement + lit-html PWA: [Source] [Live Demo]
- Heresy
- LighterHTML - [Source]
- Hyperapp and JSX (using Babel): [Source] [Live Demo]
- React PWA Starter (React + Styled components + Workbox): [Source] [Live Demo]
- Preact, JSX, Fragment, Router, CSS Grid, Typescript, Babel: [Source]
- React, JSX, Material-UI and super basic routing: [Source]
- A basic svelte setup powered by svelvet: [Source]
- React Component Library w/Storybook! (React, Typescript, Material-UI): [Source]
- A Laravel Starter App Using Snowpack , TailwindCSS (JIT) , and Inertia Vue 3 - [Source]
- snowpack-init - Create a bundler-free Snowpack app with a single command.
- Snowpack and Webpack - PodRocket episode on Snowpack with FKS.
- Snowpack the faster frontend build tool - Snowpack episode with Drew Powers on devmode.fm.
- Pika and Snowpack - The Web Platform podcast with FKS.
- Snowpack and Pika - Snowpack at UI Therapy with FKS.