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docs: update roadmap for a more complete list of OpenCV functionality
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Signed-off-by: deadprogram <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
deadprogram committed Nov 29, 2017
1 parent ef7ac54 commit 475da93
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 6 deletions.
105 changes: 99 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,101 @@
## What to work on next
# Roadmap

- [X] Appveyor build
- [ ] More features2d and other trackers
- [ ] calib3d Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
- [ ] Intel CV SDK PVL FaceRecognizer
- [ ] Your favorite OpenCV module!
This is a list of all of the functionality areas within OpenCV, and OpenCV Contrib.

Any section listed with an "X" means that all of the relevant OpenCV functionality has been wrapped for use within GoCV.

Any area listed with "STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE" indicates that some work has been done, but not all functionality in that module has been completed. Your pull request would be greatly appreciated!

## Modules list

- [ ] core. Core functionality
- [ ] Basic structures - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Operations on arrays - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] XML/YAML Persistence
- [ ] Clustering
- [ ] Utility and system functions and macros
- [ ] OpenGL interoperability
- [ ] Intel IPP Asynchronous C/C++ Converters
- [ ] Optimization Algorithms
- [ ] DirectX interoperability
- [ ] Eigen support
- [ ] OpenCL support
- [ ] Intel VA-API/OpenCL (CL-VA) interoperability
- [ ] Hardware Acceleration Layer

- [ ] imgproc. Image processing
- [ ] Image Filtering - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Geometric Image Transformations - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Miscellaneous Image Transformations - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Drawing Functions - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] ColorMaps in OpenCV
- [ ] Planar Subdivision
- [ ] Histograms
- [ ] Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors
- [ ] Motion Analysis and Object Tracking - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Feature Detection - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] Object Detection - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE

- [ ] imgcodecs. Image file reading and writing. - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [X] videoio. Video I/O
- [ ] highgui. High-level GUI - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] video. Video Analysis - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] calib3d. Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
- [ ] features2d. 2D Features Framework - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] objdetect. Object Detection - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] dnn. Deep Neural Network module
- [ ] ml. Machine Learning
- [ ] flann. Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces
- [ ] photo. Computational Photography
- [ ] stitching. Images stitching
- [ ] cudaarithm. Operations on Matrices
- [ ] cudabgsegm. Background Segmentation
- [ ] cudacodec. Video Encoding/Decoding
- [ ] cudafeatures2d. Feature Detection and Description
- [ ] cudafilters. Image Filtering
- [ ] cudaimgproc. Image Processing
- [ ] cudalegacy. Legacy support
- [ ] cudaobjdetect. Object Detection
- [ ] cudaoptflow. Optical Flow
- [ ] cudastereo. Stereo Correspondence
- [ ] cudawarping. Image Warping
- [ ] cudev. Device layer
- [ ] shape. Shape Distance and Matching
- [ ] superres. Super Resolution
- [ ] videostab. Video Stabilization
- [ ] viz. 3D Visualizer

## Contrib modules list

- [ ] aruco. ArUco Marker Detection
- [ ] bgsegm. Improved Background-Foreground Segmentation Methods
- [ ] bioinspired. Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools
- [ ] ccalib. Custom Calibration Pattern for 3D reconstruction
- [ ] cnn_3dobj. 3D object recognition and pose estimation API
- [ ] cvv. GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs
- [ ] datasets. Framework for working with different datasets
- [ ] dnn_modern. Deep Learning Modern Module
- [ ] dpm. Deformable Part-based Models
- [ ] face. Face Recognition
- [ ] freetype. Drawing UTF-8 strings with freetype/harfbuzz
- [ ] fuzzy. Image processing based on fuzzy mathematics
- [ ] hdf. Hierarchical Data Format I/O routines
- [ ] img_hash. The module brings implementations of different image hashing algorithms.
- [ ] line_descriptor. Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image
- [ ] matlab. MATLAB Bridge
- [ ] optflow. Optical Flow Algorithms
- [ ] phase_unwrapping. Phase Unwrapping API
- [ ] plot. Plot function for Mat data
- [ ] reg. Image Registration
- [ ] rgbd. RGB-Depth Processing
- [ ] saliency. Saliency API
- [ ] sfm. Structure From Motion
- [ ] stereo. Stereo Correspondance Algorithms
- [ ] structured_light. Structured Light API
- [ ] surface_matching. Surface Matching
- [ ] text. Scene Text Detection and Recognition
- [ ] tracking. Tracking API
- [ ] xfeatures2d. Extra 2D Features Framework
- [ ] ximgproc. Extended Image Processing - STARTED BUT INCOMPLETE
- [ ] xobjdetect. Extended object detection
- [ ] xphoto. Additional photo processing algorithms

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