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v0.1.0 Release Plan

Wes Morgan edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 46 revisions


  • Blockers
    1. gossip3
    2. multiple set-data's bug fixed (i.e. heights & tip subscriptions merged and tested)
    3. Previous state security bug fixed PR #185
    4. Fix snoozed transactions (client integration test fails) PR #209
    5. Fix shell w/ remote network PR #208
    6. Roll a new Go client release (v0.1.0 too) and update tupelo to use it PR #210
    7. Benchmarks and testing are sufficiently stable
    8. All integration tests pass
    9. Run the AWS performance profiler and consider posting results
    10. Product sign off
  • Nice to haves
    1. protoactor deprecations fixed PR #205
    2. resolve linter issues
    3. Tracing
  • Must not includes
    1. client PR #4 (needs some changes to not panic in the bridge on "stream reset") (still needs a fix for cross-platform shasumming)
    2. Tracing (seeing some performance issues with it) This is faster than master now for some reason. 🤷‍♂️ :shipit:
  • Process & infrastructure improvements
    • Wes will finish tupelo.clj-based integration tests & document how to run them locally
      • I didn't quite finish the tests (and send/receive token isn't done) but I did setup CLJ integration tests on CircleCI and will have JS setup soon too JS is setup too.
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