XMonad is a library for creating a tiling window manager in Haskell, a programming language with particular appeal to me as a mathematician. Proponents of tiling window managers often praise their minimalism. While appreciating how fast they run, I have also put effort into keeping around some eyecandy!
- Required
kitty nitrogen redshift rofi spectacle network-manager network-manager-applet pasystray udiskie xcape xorg-xmodmap xorg-xrandr aur/deadd-notification-center aur/notify-send-py aur/stack-static aur/picom-ibhagwan-git
- Scripts
- https://github.com/quarkQuark/scripts
- To use XMobar
stalonetray xfce4-power-manager
- To use Taffybar
and runstack install status-notifier-item
- Not necessary for core functionality
dzen2 emacs pcmanfm qutebrowser ranger tmux vivaldi zathura
- Clone this config as well as my forks of the
source code.git clone [email protected]:quarkQuark/xmonad-quark $HOME/Projects/xmonad-quark git clone [email protected]:quarkQuark/xmonad $HOME/Projects/xmonad-quark git clone [email protected]:quarkQuark/xmonad-contrib $HOME/Projects/xmonad-quark
To link my forks with the official repositories, run:
cd $HOME/Projects/xmonad git remote add upstream [email protected]:xmonad/xmonad cd $HOME/Projects/xmonad-contrib git remote add upstream [email protected]:xmonad/xmonad-contrib
- Build and install using stack (I install stack using ghcup).
./$HOME/Projects/xmonad-quark/build stack install xmobar
- Enable access from login managers by creating the following file in
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=XMonad Comment=Lightweight X11 tiling window manager written in Haskell Exec=xmonad Icon=xmonad Terminal=false StartupNotify=false Categories=Application