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Menus, Links and buttons
#Menus and links ##Basic drop-in-menus With the default UI, Quicc will scan you project folders for a folder named MainMenu, any files and Sub-folders become part of the 2 level main menu system. Any quicc files within there is added to the menu as targets.
You can order the list (file or folder) by prefixing the name with an integer and underscore which will not show in the UI. Example : 01_introduction.quicc
For more control over the menu you can place in the file:
<#:dropinmenu --{icon:"nav-icon addressbook-icon",title:"drop-in demo"}>
This allows you to set the icon and title.
##General info on Menus, Links and buttons Menus, Links and Buttons are all action items, they all operate the same manner, the only difference is their default "style" property that changes and where you would use it. Menus have optionally a menu group that determines the menu style and opening and closing structures to group the menus into cohesive containers, where buttons and links are loose.
##Advanced Links and buttons
<#:link --{form:"Dashboard/Dashboard",title:"Dashboard"}>
<#:button --{form:"Operator/Inbox",glymph:"box-outgoing-b",title:"Dashboard"} >
Links in buttons and menus can be made to any .quicc page (file). They appear in the context of the page content. Omitting the form Property will make the link or button reload the current page.
Context information is always passed to the target form, when not set it will default to the operator table and primary key (Z$USER.ref / configurable) . else you can set it with --{from:"Table_name",Where:"any where clause relative to the current page context"}. The context information record is then available in the target as "master.any_field_name".
It is possible to execute a SQL script, for example:
set my.todo_type='';>
In this example there is no target (form:"") for this button, so it will reload the current page with the changes made by the SQL script of the user context variable.
More on table buttons in the table sections.
##Manual menus Everything that applies to links and buttons also apply to menus,
###Menu groups
<#:Menu --{name:"Start",style:"LBMenu"}>
<#:MenuScan --{menuname:"MainMenu"}>
<#:MenuEnd >
Setting a the name to "Start" starts a menu group and MenuEnd ends it, you can make a sub-menu by setting a name other than start(also end it with Menuend), the style sets the style for all the sub-menus, (they should not be individually styled).
Manual menus should have a form: set else they will just reload the current page.
MenuScan - this is the magic of drop in menus, like in the opening secion of this page we describe the MainMenu, this is where it gets scanned for. You can scan for any menu system like this, for example you may want to setup a TOC on a wiki or such.
#Page layout with header, footer and user menus. The whole page layout comes from LayoutOpen.quicc and LayoutClose.quicc in your application folder, there are several manual menus and menu groups to make up the context menus in the header. You can add any manual menu options in here, or even more drop-in menus.
##In theme "UI1" the following nav Icons are available: usage : icon="nav-icon name_of_the_icon_below"
addressbook-icon btns-icons calendar-icon chart-icon dboard-icon editor-icon err-icon file-exe frm-element gal-icon invoice-icon price-tbl tbl-icon typo-icon ui-elements widget-icon zxsoftlist-icon
##In theme "UI1" the following Button glymph's are available: usage : glymph="name_of_the_glymph_below"
Paypal-tr-b acces-denied-sign-b admin-user-b admin-user-tw-b alarm-bell-b alarm-clock-b alert-b alert-tw-b american-express-b archive-b bag-b bended-arrow-down-b bended-arrow-left-b bended-arrow-right-b bended-arrow-up-b blocks-w-b book-b book-large-b box-incoming-b box-outgoing-b camera-b chart-et-b clipboard-b clock-b cog-b cog-tw-b companies-b computer-iMac-b create-write-b cup-b cut-scissors-b day-calendar-b delicious-b digg-b digg-tw-b document-b documents-b download-computer-b dropbox-b excel-documents-b facebook-b facebook-like-b fax-b file-cabinet-b film-strip-b flag-b flag-tw-b folder-b frames-b gals-tw-b globe-b globe-tw-b go-back-from-full-screen-b go-back-from-screen-b go-full-screen-b google-buzz-b graph-b graph-tw-b headphones-b help-b home-b iChat-b info-about-b key-b key-tw-b ladys-purse-b light-bulb-b link-b list-b list-l-b list-w-b locked-tw-b magnifying-glass-b mail-b marker-b mastercard-b medical-case-b megaphone-b microphone-b money-b money-tw-b money-tw-b month-calendar-b note-book-b pacman-b pacman-ghost-b paperclip-b paypal-b paypal-tr-b paypal-tw-b pdf-documents-b pencil-b phone-b piggy-bank-b post-card-b price-tags-b printer-b refresh-b refresh-fr-b refresh-tr-b refresh-tw-b repeat-b rss-b safari-b scan-label-tw-b settings-b shopping-bag-b shopping-basket-tw-b shopping-basket-tw-b shopping-cart-b shopping-cart-fr-b shopping-cart-tr-b shopping-cart-tw-b shuffle-b sign-post-b skype-b sound-b speech-bubble-b speech-bubble-tw-b speech-bubbles-b speech-bubbles-tw-b stubleUpon-b suitcase-b tag-b tags-tw-b trashcan-b tumbler-b twitter-b twitter-tw-b umbrella-b unlocked-b user-b user-comment-b user-tw-b users-b users-tw-b v-card-tw-b vimeo-tw-b visa-b visa-tw-b word-documents-b youTube-b zip-files-b
##In theme "UI1" the following Link glymph's are available: usage : style="ImageLink" glymph="name_of_the_glymph_below"
p-edit p-del p-forward p-reply p-publish p-approve p-solve