Getting started with SQL-MVC on the cloud9 IDE:
Open this link in a new window or tab:
If you don't yet have a cloud 9 account it will allow you to create a free one.
Once Could 9 has loaded right click on "" in the file tree and say run.
As it runs, the installer will prompt a few times, just press enter.
Sorry but cloud 9 IDE VPS's are quite slow, so please be patient with the operation.
After a few minutes, once done, you can do a preview by clicking : "Preview -- Preview with Web Server", on the menu.
Now you will see the application run in an embedded window. If the window is small, you may only see the menu, for size constrained screens the green strawberry acts to show or hide the menu.
To view the app in your own browser click the in the browser:
Alternatively, you need to get the URL by clicking on "Share" on the top right.
Copy (type) the application URL from the dialogue box to your browser:
Now you will see the application run in your browser - exactly the same as the site.
To play around, edit the files Index.quicc, TodoController.quicc,TodoModel.quicc (short-cuts will be placed in the workspace root, during the install)
edit this file, and after the <#view line add
warning this is just the start
then save with ctrl-s, within a few seconds you will notice the file compiling in the console and then your web browser will automatically reload the page with the change.
Note: If you get "connect error" running the app after you disconnected from c9 for a while, then delete the project from your c9 dashboard and reinstall
Now follow the tutorials on writing a basic application at : Github - Tutorial_basic_1
Or check a list of tutorials at : Github - Tutorials home