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lowrylab-cuboulder committed Nov 8, 2018
1 parent ff25752 commit 70bb7a2
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Showing 15 changed files with 708 additions and 0 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions COMPACT_discretize.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#Taken from "MD_COMPACT_build_array.R"
#This is the sequence to restructure the gsets and create the discretized matrices


#This will load all the functions

i <- 1
Tlist = list()
#Genes are sparsely identified in GSE33785
for(f in list.files("Data/")){
for(trmt in unique(gset$Treatment)){
#need to check if we need a 0 time or control ("ctrl") point
if(trmt == "ctrl"){
else if(min(gset$Time[gset$Treatment == trmt]) == 0){
gse.tmp <- gset[,gset$Treatment == trmt]
Tlist[[i]] <- gse.tmp
names(Tlist)[i] <- paste(gsub(".RData","",f),paste(trmt),sep="_")
i = i + 1
else if(any(gset$Time == 0)){
gse.tmp <- gset[,(gset$Treatment == trmt | gset$Treatment == "ctrl")]
gse.tmp$Treatment <- trmt
Tlist[[i]] <- gse.tmp
names(Tlist)[i] <- paste(gsub(".RData","",f),paste(trmt),sep="_")
i = i + 1
#May need another 'else if' statement for experiments where the baseline is like 1 h...
print("One or more GSEs are formatted incorrectly, or a baseline is needed")
#Tlist <- Tlist[-c(10,11)]
print("Finished treatment list")

discreteList <- list()
for(i in 1:length(Tlist)){
disc.res <- eDcollapse(Tlist[[i]])
disc.res <- eDcontrast(disc.res)
disc.res <- eDdiscretize(disc.res)
discreteList[[i]] <- disc.res
names(discreteList) <- names(Tlist)
print("Finished making dicrete time")
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions COMPACT_enrichment_v3.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# Marker enrichment analysis through combinatorial compact
# Author: DGS
# This all assumes that the data objects from "pre_built.RData" are in the environment
# VERSION 3: major changes to the algorithm--importantly the master array is dropped
# 1. COMPACT matrices will be calculated on the fly
# 2. COMPACT time codes will be sorted differently (using Raj's method)
# 3. Enrichment is scored as a p-value calculated from a hypergeometric distribution
# General procedure
# 1. Read in the gene list
# 2. Build COMPACT gene lists
# 3. Get the gene list / COMPACT intersections
# 4. calculate p-values

#read in the gene/marker list to tested
gene_list <- read.table(file = "HSC_test_list.txt", colClasses = "character")
gene_list <- gene_list$V1

#make empty results matrix
enrichMatrix <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(Tlist), ncol = length(Tlist)), row.names = names(Tlist))
colnames(enrichMatrix) <- names(Tlist)

pairs_for_CB <- combn(length(discreteList),2)

for(p in 1:ncol(pairs_for_CB)){
ind <- pairs_for_CB[,p]
print(paste("working on pairings: ", ind[1], ind[2]))
#make 3D array of COMPACT and individual gene lists
patternLists <- getPatternGenes(ind[1], ind[2])
#make an empty 3D array to store temporary COMPACT and gene lists
#...getting the dimensions
maxA <- max(sapply(patternLists[["a"]],length, USE.NAMES = F))
maxB <- max(sapply(patternLists[["b"]],length, USE.NAMES = F))
maxGenes <- max(c(maxA,maxB))
COMPACTdims <- c(length(patternLists[["patterns"]]), maxGenes)
#...making the empty array
COMPACT <- array(NA, dim = c(COMPACTdims[1], COMPACTdims[1], COMPACTdims[2]))
for(i in 1:nrow(COMPACT)){
for(j in 1:ncol(COMPACT)){
genes <- intersect(unique(patternLists[["a"]][[i]]), unique(patternLists[["b"]][[j]]))
if(length(genes) > 0){
COMPACT[i,j,1:length(genes)] <- genes
#make an empty matrix to store the Marker occurance in gene lists
occurance.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = COMPACTdims[1], ncol = COMPACTdims[1])
for(i in 1:nrow(COMPACT)){
for(j in 1:ncol(COMPACT)){
occurance.matrix[i,j] <- sum(sapply(gene_list, function(x) sum(grepl(x, COMPACT[i,j,]))))
#flatten the COMPACT array
COMPACT.flat <- flattenCOMPACT()
#calculate enrichment p-value
pvalues <- hypergeometric.pvalue()
enrichMatrix[ind[1], ind[2]] <- pvalues[["m"]]
enrichMatrix[ind[2], ind[1]] <- pvalues[["n"]]

#make diagonal NAs, I'm concerned that the 0's will influence FDR adjustments
ematrix <- as.matrix(enrichMatrix)
ematrix[ematrix == 0] <- NA
#get rid of negative p-values...also, why are there negative p-values??
if(any(enrichMatrix < 0)){
ematrix[which(ematrix < 0)] <- NA

#Correcting for multiple comparisons
#FDR by ematrix row
enrich.adjusted.pvalue <- vector(mode="numeric")
# for(trmt in 1:nrow(ematrix)){
# enrich.adjusted.pvalue <- c(enrich.adjusted.pvalue,unname(p.adjust(ematrix[trmt,], method="BH")))
# }

#FDR by whole matrix
enrich.adjusted.pvalue <- p.adjust(ematrix, method="BH")
enrich.adjusted.pvalue[] <- 1

#The p-values seemed similar between by row and by whole matrix, so I'll continue with whole matrix bc it's less lines

#putting the p-values in a matrix
#this method of putting a vector into a matrix only works for square matrices, which I think we will always have
#For FDR by row, the matrix needs to be transformed
enrich.matrix.adjusted <- data.frame(matrix(enrich.adjusted.pvalue, nrow = length(Tlist), ncol = length(Tlist)), row.names = names(Tlist))
colnames(enrich.matrix.adjusted) <- names(Tlist)

#because there is such a huge range of values and we only care about the low values, the values above 5e-3 are forced to 5e-3
ematrix <- as.matrix(enrich.matrix.adjusted)
ematrix[ematrix > 5e-3] <- 5e-3

Colv = F,
dendrogram = "row",
#scale = "none",
trace = "none",
key = T,
cexCol = 1,
cexRow = 1,
margins = c(5,15))

save(ematrix, file="HSC_enrichment_v3.RData")


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