Switch CSR Bluetooth Dongle to HCI mode.
- Download following bat: https://github.com/cho45/hid2hcix/blob/master/install-win.bat
- Rename it to install-win.bat surely.
- Right click the downloaded script
- Do "Run as Administrator"
This batch download hid2hcix.exe and copy it to system startup folder (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp).
- Download https://github.com/cho45/hid2hcix/blob/master/install-mac.sh
- sh install-mac.sh
install-mac.sh requires sudo.
Build on OS X with mingw:
PATH="/usr/local/gcc-4.8.0-qt-4.8.4-for-mingw32/win32-gcc/bin:$PATH" make -f Makefile.mingw
Modified one-line for this project: https://github.com/cho45/hid2hcix/commit/5bf116509feb160a202537a1279d77cf2203d659