NOTE REGARDING THE LICENSE FOR TRANSLATIONS: Python's documentation is maintained using a global network of volunteers. By posting this project on Transifex, Github, and other public places, and inviting you to participate, we are proposing an agreement that you will provide your improvements to Python's documentation or the translation of Python's documentation for the PSF's use under the CC0 license (available at In return, you may publicly claim credit for the portion of the translation you contributed and if your translation is accepted by the PSF, you may (but are not required to) submit a patch including an appropriate annotation in the Misc/ACKS or TRANSLATORS file. Although nothing in this Documentation Contribution Agreement obligates the PSF to incorporate your textual contribution, your participation in the Python community is welcomed and appreciated.
You signify acceptance of this agreement by submitting your work to the PSF for inclusion in the documentation.
Your help is welcome, you can start with easy tasks like reviewing fuzzy entries to help keeping the documentation up to date. You can also proofread already translated entries, and finally translate untranslated ones.
You can either contribute on transifex/python-doc/public/,
or by simply openning an
issue on this repository, or by editing the po
To modify those files you first have to fork this project and follow github instructions to clone it.
Next, to edit the files, you can use an editor of your choice, there's many:
- highly recommended: poedit
- gted
- gtranslator
- lokalize
- betterpoeditor
- vim or emacs with an appropriate mode
- Vé on Android
- probably many others
Finally, once your contribution is done, do a pull request so we can review and merge it.
- Prioritize the higher version, identical strings between version can automatically be reused.
- Do not translate content of
- Put english words, if you have to use them, in italics (surrounded by stars).
The coordinator for this translation is gbtami.
Feel free to ask your questions on [email protected] or on freenode.
The tutorial/
directory has a high priority as translations aim
for newcomers, then here are files most read in the original version:
- library/functions.po
- library/stdtypes.po
- library/string.po
- library/re.po
- library/datetime.po
- library/csv.po
- library/os.po
- library/random.po
- library/json.po
- library/subprocess.po
For consistency in our translations, here are some propositions and reminders for frequent terms you'll have to translate, don't hesitate to open an issue if you disagree.
english | hungarian |
argument | argumentum |
attribute (class) | attribútum |
backslash | vissza perjel |
buffer | puffer |
built-in (function) | beépített (függvény) |
byte | bájt |
bytearray (type) | bytearray |
bytes (type) | bytes |
class | osztály |
clause | ág |
control flow statements | vezérlő utasítások |
data attribute | adatattribútum |
default | alapértelmezett |
dictionary | szótár |
exception | kivétel |
file | fájl |
handler (exeption) | kezelő |
immutable | nem módosítható |
iterable | iterálható |
keyword argument | kulcsszavas argumentum |
library reference | A Python standard könyvtárának kézikönyve |
list | lista |
list comprehension | listaépítés |
method | metódus |
mutable | módosítható |
object | objektum |
package | csomag |
positional argument | hely szerinti argumentum |
prompt | prompt |
raise an exception | kivételt vált ki |
right-hand side expression | jobb oldali kifejezés |
scope | hatáskör, hatókör |
sequence | sorozat |
sequence unpacking | sorozat szétpakolása |
set | halmaz |
shallow copy, deep copy | alapszintű másolat, teljes körű másolat |
slice notation | szeletjelölési mód |
string | karakterlánc, sztring |
string-literal | literális karakterlánc |
token | token |
tuple | tuple tuple-t, tuple-nek... |
Unicode | Unicode |